Chapter 7 - New job

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When we arrived to the meeting everyone was already there and soon Ross began as well.

He told us that we're going to a new "mission" which is actually the first for me and I was pretty curious and excited about it because I finally had a chance to prove that I'm good at this.

But I really don't know to be honest.


- So German - Ross turned to me - Are you ready for this?

- I am!

- Good. Keep that excitment up when we're in place and it's time to kill - he joked - We're leaving tomorrow so get ready.

- What am I supposed to bring?

- Just things that are really important for you.

- Okay...

Later I headed home and once again both Ramallo and Olga greeted me at the door so I told them right away that I'm leaving tomorrow.

- What?! Just like that?! - Ramallo gasped.

- Atleast get your stuff together properly! - Olga added.

Olga... Always like a mother.

- I'll be fine, don't worry about me - I smiled at them and headed upstairs to pack.

When I got my bag ready I went to take a walk and on my way I have been walking by at the house where Lee's girlfriend was living... Atleast I guess that was the house.

As I was thinking I noticed him arriving there and knocking on the door.

I decided to not to spy on him so I simply walked away.

----- TIME SKIP -----

When the time of my leaving has came I was about to head out when Ramallo came up to me and gave me a little box.

- What is this? - I asked him.

- Look into it - Ramallo replied and as I opened the box I found a familiar ring in it.

- Is this...

- Angie's ring. The one you gave her at the beginning when she lost hers. She left this when she moved out, but Olga only found it now.

- Why are you giving this to me now?

- Because I want you to remember... Remember that you have to find Angie and do whatever you need to get her back... Because going into a suicidal mission won't make you happy... I know that... And you too...

- Ramallo... - I sighed deeply then without thinking I hugged him tightly - I would never forget important things like that...

- I know - he smiled - I just wanted to make sure you really won't forget it...

- I won't... I never will... Because I still love Angie and I need my children too...

And I'll look for them even if this will cost my whole life...

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