Chapter 18

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After getting through two bunch of them more and more came.

- What the hell?! - I groaned as I decided to take the boy somewhere more safe before going back out to kill those assholes because I didn't want him to be in more danger.

When I was done I decided to check on the others and help out after finishing some more guy

----- TIME SKIP -----

- Nice job, pussies! - said Ross, slightly jokingly - Now let's go and get that asshole!

- Wait!! - we suddenly heard the boy's voice I saved and he ran up to hug me.

- Hey there... - I smiled as I picked him up and hugged him back gently.

- Thank you for helping us! - he said then handed me a pendant - If you meet my dad give this to him! Please!

- Okay, I will - I smiled - But I think you will be able to give this to him yourself because we're gonna bring him back... Healthy and alive... I promise.

He smiled so happily that after this I had to do this. I had to because I'm pretty sure his dad is also so worried.

I know because I'm a father too.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Later we all headed to the mine where the people from the village were working for that monster...

But things happened and we ended up landing withthe plane inside the mine...

Don't ask how. It's not important right now.

----- TIME SKIP -----

- Great. We're trapped her thanks to you insane damn idea, Ross! - Lee groaned.

- Shut up! - Ross groaned back.

- What are we gonna do now? - I interrupted their argument before they're gonna kill each other.

- Don't worry! I have a plan! - suddenly Gunner jumped up and he seemed like he's building something.

For a while we all were just watching him until Lee turned to Ross again...

- What is he doing now?

- Building a bomb - Ross replied calmly.

- What?! No way! - now both me and Lee said.

- Don't believe me? Ask him about it!

- Gunner! - Lee called out.

- What?! - he groaned.

- What are you doing?

- Building a bomb. What is it look like?

- I told you - Ross mumbled - This is a plutonium mine. What else would he do here?

- Will this even work, or we'll just die here?! - Lee snapped again.

- We'll just have to see that.

And a few minutes later the "bomb" was ready and Gunner placed it on place, but we soon as it should have been working it didn't.

- Well... That was a fail - Lee smirked in sarcasm.

But as soon as he did we heard a big BOOM and a mine "opened" and a big... I have no idea what kind of huge machine was that, but it opened the mine and Barney's old friend was sitting in it.

How do I know?

Because he screamed out...

- Trench!

- I'm back, you pussies!

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