Chapter Nine

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Somehow, or rather miraculously depending on the way Sirius looked at it, they did not receive any detention. He was still questioning how that happened. Even though the prank had been 2 weeks ago, he felt like looking over his shoulder for any angry professor. It didn't help that the girl, Evans, no longer liked any of them. She kept glaring at them. Sirius assumed it was because of something stupid Potter had told her.

It was now the day before Halloween. Sirius had heard of the extravagant feast the house elves prepared on Halloween from Andy and Bella and he could not wait. Narcissa was too haughty and proper to even consider being excited for something as trivial as sweets. Sirius never minded. She was a right git when she wanted to be. He was always glad to see her sniff and walk away.

The day felt like it had gone on forever and by the looks of Pettigrew and Potter, they felt the same way. Thankfully, it was a Saturday and all he had to do was homework due for the next week. After all, it would never do to have the Black heir fall behind in his classes.

Sirius sighed, relieved, as he dotted his last i and crossed his last t in his final essay for Potions. When he had put away his quill, Potter jumped up.

"Thank Merlin you finished! It's almost dinner!"

Sirius just shook his head and began putting his books away. Potter came over and helped him while the other boy continued eating his chocolate frog. Both Sirius and James looked at him in disgust.

James leaned over. "I know he's supposed to be our friend, but I don't think he would even notice us leaving for dinner. Want to get out of here?"

Sirius laughed. "Sure, Potter."

"Did you just laugh, Siri? I never thought I'd live to see this day!"

He rolled his eyes and shoved James over. "Shut it, Potter. Now come on, I'm starving."

They joked their way over to the Great Hall, and although Sirius would never admit it, it felt nice. He had never been able to become friends with anyone deemed unworthy by his parents, or make friends in general. Being able to enjoy someone else's company was something Sirius never wanted to let go of. And although he would never be able to tell anyone, Sirius thought quietly that James was a very good friend. If his family wasn't full of blood traitors, perhaps things might have been different.

James waved his hand in front of Sirius' face, distracting him from any further ponderings. "What are you thinking about mate? Our next prank perhaps?"

Sirius held back a grin. James' enthusiasm was easy to catch a hold of, especially when he talked about their prank against the Ravenclaws. "Nothing you need to concern yourself with, Potter. Besides, I thought you agreed that I wouldn't be forced into another prank by you again."

Immediately, James pouted. "But pranks are so much fun!" Sirius just ignored him and sat by Remus.

Ever since they had come to Hogwarts, there had been something different about their quiet housemate. He had already left the school twice and his story about his mother's health seemed a little too coincidental. It was not Sirius' problem, however, and he was resolved to keep his nose out of whatever drama Lupin was going through.

Still, as they ate dinner, he couldn't help but notice Remus looked very pale. And so, breaking his promise from 5 minutes ago, he said, "Is everything alright, Remus? You look a bit pale."

Both Sirius and Remus ignored James' betrayed cry of, "Why do you call him by his first name and not me?"

Remus looked a bit uncomfortable as he shifted in his seat. "I'm just visiting my mother soon. She's coming out of the hospital on November 2."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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