Author's Note

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Hello to everybody crazy enough to read this book! As you may have figured out by now using your context clues and reading the description/tags, this story is a Harry Potter fanfiction series going back to the Marauders' Era. 

The series is called Up To No Good, and each book will feature one year at Hogwarts. I will probably do some spin off books with what happens over the summer for each of the boys. I will also write a book of what happens after Hogwarts. The series is mainly canon compliant, but there are a few things in the fandom that I want to fix to ease my soul.

The main ship is Wolfstar but it will not be portrayed until book five or six. If you were expecting it right away, please remember they are 11 in the first book and need some time to decide their preferences, etc. For those of you who do not know what Wolfstar is, it's Remus Lupin (wolf)  x Sirius Black (star). If male/male romantic interests offend you in any way, please leave. No one needs an opinion that hurts other people's personal choices. Besides, it says quite clearly in the tags this was in the story. 

The other big ship in this series will be Jily, aka James Potter x Lily Evans. This will be portrayed in the seventh book of the series as this is the canon time for when they started dating. 

The story will have the point of views of all four marauders. Because this is first and foremost a Wolfstar story, both Sirius and Remus' POVs will appear most often and be longer than the others. In the first three or four chapters, the POV will go through all four. Later on there will only be one or two POVs. I may add a few chapters with Lily's POV as well in the second book.

My schedule is not fixed. I have this annoying little thing every day called school. When there's a break, I'll probably be able to update more. Until then, stay tuned for sporadic updates!   

Disclaimer: I do not in any way, shape, or form own the Harry Potter franchise. That belongs to Joanne Rowling.

I know most people don't read the author's notes, so I thank you if you actually did. I, myself, know how annoying it is to see an author's note every other chapter so this should be the first and last one I make. When you're reading this fanfiction, please remember to vote and comment on it. It's always nice to see what others have to think about my story. If you have any ideas, please come and PM me. I would be thrilled to get more ideas!

And now, without further ado, please scroll to the first chapter of I Solemnly Swear! Thank you and have a good day wherever you are.


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