Chapter Five

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Soon after Sirius closed his drapes, snoring was heard from around the room. Not daring to move for fear of waking up his roommates, Sirius stayed in his bed for another half hour. By then, there was no shuffling around on the other beds. It was silent, apart from someone snoring.

Slowly, Sirius got out of his bed and went over to his trunk. He opened it and searched for some parchment and a quill. As he closed his trunk, the clasp banged down hard. Sirius froze, hoping no one would wake up from the noise. For once, luck was on his side and no one stirred awake.

After lighting a small candle and sitting on his comfy new bed, Sirius started to write.

Dear mother and father,

It has come to my attention that you have yet to know of the Sorting Hat's decision.

Sirius shook his head and threw away the parchment. He would have to come up with something better than 'it has come to my attention.' After all, he was their heir. If he didn't word this letter properly, he could be killed or even worse, disowned. Neither was something Sirius wanted to happen.

He took another sheet of parchment and started again.

Dearest Mother and Father,

As you know, I was sorted into my house today. I'm sure you have already received word from my cousins telling you of what happened, but in case you didn't already know, I will tell you. I was sorted into Gryffindor. I know this is not what you expected, nor what you asked of me, but I will make it up to you.

Sirius smiled bitterly. Nothing could ever make this better. He could never truly make it up to them and because of that they would never trust, or what his parents considered as trust, him again. Not that it really mattered. It wasn't like they cared about him to begin with. They just cared about their reputation he was tarnishing. He sighed and continued the letter.

Your heir and son,

Sirius Orion Black III

With the extremely short but difficult to write letter to his parents finished, Sirius blew out his candle and went to return his supplies in his trunk. He would send the letter to his parents in the morning. As he put his things away, Sirius noticed a letter hiding in the folds of his clothing. Frowning he closed his trunk, laid down on his bed, and opened it. He immediately recognized Regulus' handwriting. His loopy scrawl was still as messy as ever.

Hey Sirius!

I thought I'd write this letter since Mother and Father wouldn't let me come with you to the platform. That is so unfair! Just because you're going to Hogwarts doesn't mean I can't come to the platform either. Speaking of, what does the platform look like? Does the Hogwarts Express really toot it's horn when it comes in? How long does it take to get to Hogwarts? It must have been so boring sitting next to Cissy and Andro on the ride there. All they talk about are boys. Yuck. What does the Slytherin common room look like anyway? Is it as cold as Mother complains it is? Are you really next to the lake? Have you met any nice Slytherins? Father says you won't but that must be so lonely. I can't wait for you to come back home. I'm lonely too. You haven't left yet and I'm already missing you. Don't bother replying. We both know Mother and Father won't allow it.

Love you and I'll see you at Christmas!


Sirius smiled at his little brother's antics. The letter made him miss Grimmauld Place in a way he didn't realize he would. Hogwarts was so different from his home. It didn't have Reg. It also didn't have his parents but that was something he liked about Hogwarts. With that, Sirius closed his eyes and drifted off to the sound of his new roommates' snores.

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