Court Case

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I took Draco to the hospital after that, but there was no hope.

The baby was dead.

Draco was sad and hopeless, so he stayed in his bed crying. He didn't have any motivation to get up. That baby was his savior and now Spencer took it away.

I knew I had things to do so I kissed a sleeping Draco on the forehead and headed off.

Malfoy manor—

Lucius let me inside the manor with two dogs by his side.

One barked at me and Lucius took his walking stick wand and stabbed it in the foot. I loved the way he took care of his dogs.

I walked in and pet the two dogs on the head. They were so cute.

Then Lucius led me upstairs, the dogs were following us.

We took a seat at the table.

"Why are you here Y/N?"

"We need to talk about a few things."

He turned around to face me with a frown. "I will go get Narcissa for this."

"Ok." When he walked away, I looked down at the two dogs. Beautiful dogs. He is probably so nice to them.

"It's not our problem." Lucius said

"He'll get over it" Carissa added.

"He's your son?" I spoke. "What do you mean it's not your problem. Draco hasn't left his bed. Ever since his baby died he's lost."

"You aren't saying now you'll defend Draco?" Lucius said. "You two hate each other."

" don't hate each other." I said. "Draco and I...we're together now. That's besides the point, you two need to take responsibility."


"You two slept with spencer. Talk to him. Spencer is the reason Draco's abby is dead."

"Spencer is an independent dog with his mind of his own, we doubt he'll listen to us." Narcissa said.

"I don't care." I stated. "I want to file a divorce too."

"We will see you in court then, Y/N." Lucius said. "We'll talk to Spencer about Draco's abby."

The court case—

I went to court and got no money from Lucius and Naricxisa. I discontinued child custody and it went to Lucius and Narcissa. I would no longer be Fracos step mom and step dad.

Lucius and Narcissa we're served the divorce papers and sighed them.

Then I walked out and Lucius came up to me, the dogs were there and I pet them.

"Y/N I have a parting gift for you." Lucius said.

"OH. Ok."

I took it and it was in a box. I opened it up.

"Its a diary. There's nothing written on the pages at all..."

"OH... Thank you Lucius."

"ANYTIME Y/N, " he said. "I will see you soon."

"OK." I watched lucius and Narcissa get in their car and drive away.

Hi loves, what do you all think about this chapter? What do you think will happen next with Spencer? What do you think the significance of the diary was?

I'm updating two more chapters today. Be ready hoes

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