"You look so brocken when you cry"

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Listen to heat waves while reading tyis.

Draco and I started going back to Hogwarts for our next school year. We sat together on the train ride there.

Draco was still so sad. He didn't talk to me the entire time.

We went inside the school and everyone started coming up to Draco right away.

"I'm so sorry about your baby." I heard Harry Potter say to the both of us while we were sitting at the Slithering table.

I was sitting in Potoons class when suddenly I heard Snape come up behind me and say "I'm sorry about you and Dracos baby."

"Thanks, Daddy Snape."

I went back to Dracos dorm after that just to hang out and cuddle with him. We layed in his bed just cuddling. I missed his baby bump on his chest. How there would be a lump on his 6 pack. Now it was just...

...just a six pack.

I layed on his chest and we listened to Heat Waves by Glass Animals together.

I brushed my hands through his hair and kissed him on the forehead.

I fell asleep on his chest.

I woke up somewhere unfamiliar.

Flashes from the night before in my head.

Drakes chest.

His playboy blond hair.

Writing on the wall...

with blood...

"Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever..."

The girls bathrrom.

I slid down a tube...

It was like a slide

I was somewhere I didn't recognize.

There was water all over the place and A big slithering face on the wall. There was also snakes lined up with their tongues out.

I looked down at myself. but i Had a headache. I was bleeding.

Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He kept walking towards me.

"I need help. You have to help me."

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Y/N. You see, as you grow weaker, I get stronger."

"WhA- where M 8?"

"The Chamber of secrets. You opened it."

"No, what— I wouldn't."

"Yes you sent my basilisk after mud bloods, then you murdered Filch's xat and wroye threatening messages on the walls of hogwarts."

"I killed a cat? Why would I do that?"

"Because I told you to."

I couldn't lie, he was kinda fine. He had a nice voice and accent to. "Oh-"

"Not that you knee what you were il doing , you weee in a king of trance. It was the power of my diary."

I stood up to look at him. "I beg to differ. I don't think I killed Filchs cat. You seem like the real pussy destroyer."

Not knowing who he was or his intentions, I decided to fuck the mysterious man.

Draco Malfoy X readerWhere stories live. Discover now