Chapter Three: A Clear Conscience

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There was still some time left before lunch was over.

Once Hinata and Naruto were finished with their food, they packed their bags and walked out of the academy. Naruto skipped along excitedly, talking a thousand words per second, but Hinata listened carefully. It was clear that the young boy didn't have anyone else to share his excitement with, having been shunned by other children and adults alike all of his life.

"So, when I finally finished my bowl, I realized that I left my goggles in the forest. It was really dark out and I was scared but I went anyway."

They walked into the market district, and Naruto stopped in his spot.

"I don't think I'm welcomed here." He looked at everyone glaring at him. "Maybe I should keep my jumpsuit."

"Don't be silly." Hinata held his wrist and pulled him along, ignoring the whispers. She knew exactly how he felt, she would receive the same treatment from her fellow clansmen but she learned to ignore it.

These people were no different. "Ignore them. You're with me, remember?"

"Right." Naruto bowed his head and allowed her to pull him into a clothing store.

"Hide in the changing room, I'll find some clothes for you to try." She walked quickly past the clerk, hiding Naruto behind her as she led the way to the back of the store. "Don't leave here until I pay for the clothes and we can go, alright?"

"I appreciate this so much...actually." Naruto gave her a soft smile, holding the door open for a second. "Anything will be fine, I'm grateful for whatever you pick out."

Hinata nodded, she put her hand in her bag and brought out Tsuchi, "while I'm busy, keep him company." She flicked her finger and pointed at Naruto.

Tsuchi looked at him and nodded, jumping out of  Hinata's hand, he walked up to Naruto and waved.

"What's up?"

"Woah!" Naruto gasped, "I can hear him."

"He chooses who can hear him and who can't. He appreciated your comment earlier, so I guess he's taken a liking to you. I'll be back."

Naruto nodded and picked him up. "You're so cool."

"Why thank you."

Hinata left the two alone, walking around the store and picking out different outfits she thought would go with Naruto. Since he liked the colour orange, she didn't mind getting some clothes with some orange on it. When the things got too heavy to carry, she made her way back to the changing rooms and knocked on the door.

"I found some stuff."

Naruto opened the door. "Thank you." He grabbed everything and put them on the hook to try on one by one.

"Where's Tsuchi?"

He came out of Naruto's hair and sat on top of his head.

"This dude is hilarious."

Hinata rolled her eyes, "you have to hurry up before we're late." She looked at the clock, "we have twenty minutes, and you still need to get a new pair of shoes. How are your weapons looking?"

Naruto spoke from behind the door, trying on everything she got for him, which fit perfectly and looked good. "The Hokage gave me some new ones this morning, to congratulate me on graduating. We don't have to get shoes now, do we? I got thrown out of the store last time I walked in."

"Don't be silly, I'll get you some while you try those on, what size are you?"


"Alright, I'll be right back."

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