Chapter Fourteen: Lost Battles & Angry Cries

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I'm sorry. I know you would be saddened when you find out but you'll understand soon enough. There's no other way for me to do this, I want to tell you why I left but I know you'd be upset once I do. I tried, for you. I tried ignoring him, I tried walking in the same path as you. But it is my fate, it's been written long ago that I avenge everyone I loved. Please forgive me, I hope you can forgive me.

The letter fell to the floor as she looked around her room. It was early in the morning when she discovered the blue envelope under the bowl of jewelry she kept on her vanity. She had called her friends and asked if they knew that he was in her room but they all feigned ignorance.

Maybe he had left another letter, one that would explain what she read. What did he mean? She saw him yesterday, he couldn't have left already. That wasn't possible.

Activating her byakūgan, she scanned the village to see if she could sense his chakra. It turned up blank.

"Hinata, you have been called by your father."

Her bedroom door opened, a Branch member relaying the message before bowing and leaving. Now wasn't the time for her father to request for her presence, she needed to find Sasuke. She needed to let Naruto and Kakashi know that he was gone.

But she couldn't sneak out of the compound. Not in broad daylight with everyone awake. She knew why her father was calling her, why it was urgent, but Sasuke's whereabouts worried her more.

Wiping her hands frantically, she changed into a simple kimono, getting ready with haste. The quicker she got this meeting over with, the quicker she could find Sasuke.

The shōji doors leading into the office became a little too familiar. She walked in and sat down, ignoring the looks of disdain from the other Elders and her sister. Bowing her head, she sat up straight and waited for her father to begin speaking.

"It has come to our attention that you were caught in a genjūtsu casted by the defective Leaf shinōbi, Uchiha Itachi. Because of this, it is our duty to make sure that your mind has not been corrupted, nor have our secrets been compromised."

Hinata nodded.

"You will answer our questions, if we feel that you may be lying, the required measures will be taken."

Measures? Surely Tsunade has told them that she was alright. A few questions were alright, but who were they to decide whether or not she was telling the truth? Nonetheless, Hinata remained silent as they began their interrogation.

"What did Itachi do to you while you were under his illusions?" An Elder asked quickly, obviously impatient and tired of her presence.

"He tortured me by activating the seal...well it felt like he activated the seal." She answered with ease.

"How did he—"

"Do we need to explain that illusions are illusions for a reason? He didn't actually activate the real seal, he used my fears against me."

"Is that all he showed you?"

"I saw my friends dying...that's it."

"Did he ask you any questions?"

"It's clear that I wasn't his target, his brother was. I was just used in order to anger Sasuke." She looked at the ground, clenching her hands, wanting to get up and go find the Uchiha.

"Are you sure of this?"

Hinata nodded.

They whispered amongst themselves, Hiashi's eyes never once leaving her as the Elders took their places once more. One of them smirked and brought his fingers to his lips. Hiashi made no move to stop him.

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