Fan service?

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Mina and chaeyong were obviously members of the famous 9 girl group TWICE. And because they perform all around asia and they're attending fan meetings here and then, twice ships are not avoided.

Twice Members are known to be loving and sweet to each other,especially with the age group they are in.

Michaeng ships, short for Mina and Chaeyong is one of the famous and trending ships among the twice members. Mina and chaeyong knew that they have their own fans club.

It is actually alright for chaeyong to be ship with her Mina Unnie as she knew from the start, that she thinks differently of Mina. Other twice members knew how chaeyong deeply loves mina as more than her unnie but romantically. Mina on the other hand never knew and never sees chaeyong as that. She knew chaeyong was very sweet to everybody especially to her and she believes chaeng does it for the fans, little did she know that what the younger cub shows her was all pure love.

One time at an event for the fans, Mina and chaeyong didnt sit together as per the arrangement, and everyone of them needed to read a fan letter.

It was Nayeon's turn to read a fan letter, but instead of reading it as like a fan, she directly address the letter to Mina.

"Mina, saranghae" she said smiling. The crowd got crazy and chaeyong was a bit hurt from her Unnie's actions but nevertheless, smiled naturally.

Jihyo then suddenly butt in and said.
"Yah! Chaeyong will get jealous."

Chaeyong suddenly was shock as she was concern of what will be Mina's reactions towards it.

"Yah Jihyo unnie its okay."
Chaeyong nervously replied and smiled.

Mina look at their side with a reaction cold reaction and said.

"Its okay jiyho unnie, why would she get jealous, were friends right chaeng?"

"Yes unnie" chaeyong replied with a force smile.

Fastforward to the end of fan meeting, they were walking towards their car, jiyho,chaeng and dayhun. when jiyho silently whispers to chaeng.

"Hey chaeyongie. You okay? I know your not from what Mina said earlier. Just chill for a while and let it pass okay?

Chaeng side-back her unnie sadly and she answered.

"Yeah, when will she realized that i love her more than a friend. I know we have a name to
Protect unnie but i cant control it. Its so difficult and hurts me.

" i know chaeng,please just give her more time and effort. Maybe in time mina would realize that everything is not a fan service okay?"

Chaeng nods as she just kept quiet the whole ride. She doesnt want to speak to anybody and she just want to be alone. She plugged in her earphones and listen to her songs through out the ride.

When they came home, she just silently walk to her door after she said goodbye to her unnies in general. Mina notice this silence but just shrugged it off.

They went inside their own rooms and do their usual routine. While Mina is resting on her room, Nayeon unnie came to see Mina to speak to her about chaeyong. Mina let Nayeon come inside the room and have a little chitchat.
Meanwhile, chaeyong was about to go to the kitchen when she heard the conversation at Mina's room as she passed the hallway. She cannot help herself but to eardrop the conversation.

"Mina, have you notice that our cub is quiet the whole ride and until we got home?"

"Yeah unnie, maybe she is tired or somethin"

"Hmmm maybe. But its like not chaeyong's attitude to be so quiet. Anyway, did you ask her why? As she and you seems super close these days and you even have your fans club and ship name"

"Well, i didnt have the chance to talk to her yet. And i know they're shipping us romantically but i know chaeyong is doing it only for the fans and so am i unnie. It's really a pressure unnie"

"Minari, are you just so naive or what? Of course chaeng cares for you so much with or without the fans club. You knew that mina. Did you not feel it?

Mina just silently think of what her unnie said. Did chaeyong really actually cares for me even without the fans club? Or I just dont see it?. I dont even know what to think.

Chaeyong heard all the conversation and honestly she got hurt on what she actually heard from Mina. Chaeyong thought that the fans club and their love team is a pressure to the japanese girl and she is force to do things she don't like for the fans. Chaeng thought that everything is just a pure act, all the sweetness her unnie radiates to her are all act,and she is hurt by the thought of it. Am i really not that worthy for her love?. Did she not see that mine is pure and what i have been showing her are not for the fans but for her because i like her!

Chaeyong was so hurt and she just went back inside her room and cried for the rest of the night.

"Maybe i should just avoid her for her not to feel pressure with my presence. I will not be sweet anymore towards her because she doesnt believe in it either" chaeng thought as she cried.

Meanwhile at Mina's room.

"So why cant you even say a single word minari into what i told you? Have you lost your
Tongue?" I heard nayeon unnie spoke to me.

" ahmm im sorry unnie but to tell you honestly, i dont know what to think or to say either. I knew chaeng is a loving person, i knew it already. But ahmm"

"But what mina? Are you afraid of what you trully feel for her? Or your doing things for the fans, because if your doing it for the fans and faking it, chaeng will get hurt big time! She loves you and you know that minari"

"Im not faking it unnie. I care for chaeng i really do, i swear, i just dont know what is happening, im confused unnie"

"Well you better study your true feelings for our cub and dont take her for granted mina. You know we will support you and chaeng arraso? Just dont hurt each other's feelings because your too afraid to see her real intentions towards you. Okay?"

"Arraso unnie, thank you so much"

With that, Nayeon hugged Mina as they said their goodnight and call it a night.
Mina just laid back and tried to think about what her unnie said to her until sleeps find her..

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