Chapter seven~school arrival

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The yellow light finally turns green and I look both ways while the few cars in front pull of to their directions. I start to drive forward and I decide to go right, because I don't want to go to a strict school, where o have no chance of fitting in. In the distance not so far away I see a large building that must be it, I don't park to close to school so I can a bit in my new heels, but I don't park that far away that I have to walk for ages, I lock my car and start to walk. I see people all around me starting and gorping at me it makes me feel quite awkward and uncomfortable but I ignore it and keep walking when someone behind me wolf whistles I couldn't help but turn around and there are a group of boys and girls looking at me the girls glaring and the boys whistling and winking at me, I blush at this one guy and he winks then walks away to this other girl she grabs his arm and glares at me and walks away he smiles and I smile back, but I get interrupted by a girl grabbing my arm and smiling at me, I smile back and she let's go saying "Hey I'm Christina" with a big smile, "Hi I'm tris" they all say hey at the same time and Christina introduces them all to me and for some strange reason I end up walking into school with them when I decide to ask Christina "who was that guy who left earlier?" she looks at the other girls and they giggle, I'm confused but then she says his names four and I smile "like the Number?" yeh looks at me with a smile "yeh like the number, don't ask why i don't know why myself" I just nod, and she grabs my arm just infront of the school gate and says "what room?" I look shown at my paper "c45 I think" she smiles at me and then looks at the rest and says "Bye guys" some leave and say bye and some stay with us. They all smile at me so I smile back Christina says "were all in the same room" looking at me I smile "give me your sheet" she says with a smile I just give her it and watch the people walking past and staring at me, some wink and I just roll my eyes and they stop. Christina grabs my arm and we start to walk onto the school ground. What's with this girl and pulling me around, I'm not bothered I guess she just likes hanging around with new people which is nice I guess, having a friend on my first day, kinda great actually.

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