October Part 3

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"Marley..." I hear a disembodied whisper in the middle of the night in my room. It sucks cause I was almost asleep, and that woke me up.


"Marley..." The voice says again.

"What the hell do you want?"


"I get it. That is my name, answer the question."

"Are you alone?" By hearing more of the voice I can tell that it is a boy. Oh great if my parents hear (which they probably can because our walls are obnoxiously thin) then I am dead.

"You don't need to know."

"Yes, I do." The person behind the voice is clearly trying to hold in a laugh.

I get up and walk towards the voice slowly. In my closet! Now I am scared. Why would there be a person in my closet in the middle of the night (don't answer that)? I pick up my old baseball bat that I keep in the corner of my room, and walk towards the closet. "So, Who are you?"

"You don't need to know."

"I think I do." I fling the doors open, to reveal an empty closet. I don't say anything else and neither does the voice.

I look around until I see the small flashing red light that belongs to an old baby monitor. "What the? A baby monitor. Really?"

"Guess who?" Now I recognize the voice. But I am not sure until I see a label from one of those fancy label makers that reads, If Found Please Return Back To The Martin Residence.


"You got it!"

I make my way over to the window with the baby monitor in hand. Like I thought, Leo was just sitting on his dirt bike seat looking up at my window.

"Is that Gwen right behind you?"

"What? Where?" He says and I watch his head turn. With my below average aim, I chuck the monitor towards him and aim for his head. Now when I say I have a hard throw I mean it. I was never a pitcher because of my poor aim, but I was always in the outfield cause I can throw from that far away. The thing is that the monitor missed his head and landed more in the crotch. All I hear is his distinct howl and know down there is probably a better punishment than the head. He falls off his bike, and I have to bite my lip from laughing out loud.

Since I no longer have a monitor listening to me, I run over to my nightstand, unplug my phone, and text him.

Me-Have fun down there

It takes him a long time to answer because he had to get up from his curled up position on the cracked cement, pull out his phone, and answer.

Leo-Haha. Very funny, you'll regret that

Me- You know I won't

Leo-Shut up

Me- Do I want to?

Leo-Yeah you do.

Me- Why would I want to do that?

Leo- Cause I know where you live

Me- Well I know where you are at this exact moment

Leo- So

Me- I have a baseball bat in my hand right now, if you thought the monitor hurt, just wait

Leo- Fine. I get it. Hey can i ask you somethin?

Me- When you actually write something, because it has a g at the end if you didn't know

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