Chapter 8- December Part 1

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“Marley, Why do I hear a bird in this house?” Mom yells from the kitchen. After another chirp sounds from somewhere I can’t place.  

“Why are you asking me?” I yell back. I am in the middle of getting ready for my first day of official work at the store. I have to admit I am excited. I loved it there when I was little. Demi helped me find something that looks ‘professional’. She said that is how I should dress, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. I don’t let her put makeup on her though. That’s where I draw the line. 

“I don’t know. I figured you might have something to do with this. Anyway I haven’t heard it in a while. Maybe it was from outside. Anyway, your Dad’s ready to go. Is Alexios ready too?” She still yells from downstairs. Why doesn’t she just come up here and talk like a normal human being. 

“Been ready.” Alexios says, while sitting on the edge of my bed, tying his shoes. I grab my phone and shove it in my back pocket. I have on a nice shirt, and jeans. While he has just a normal t-shirt and some jeans. 

We both grab our coats, and walk out the door. In Dad’s police car, we get a personal escort to work. The streets downtown are already super busy and crowded for holiday shopping. It’s literally December second. Think of the date I remember that tomorrow is Marry’s birthday. I make a mental note to make sure I get her something, not sure what it will be, but something. 

Dad even walks us into the store. When I walk in, tons of memories flood back. Many of Leo and I waving to customers at the door. Others of the bell that rings when people walk in, the light up open sign, the old fashioned cash register, the paintings, the photo area, and the mysterious door to the work room in the back. I’d never been back there, but I am sure I will now. 3 steps into the store and Mrs. Martin collides into me in a hug. 

“Oh, Marley, you’ve gotten so big. And you look so pretty, just like your mother. Oh, look, there is a photo of you and leave in here when you were 5 and would ring little bells when people came in. You have both on your little aprons, and little Santa hats. How adorable!” She turns me around, forcing me to look at the framed photo from years ago. She’s right. We do look adorable. I forgot how curly my hair used to be when I was little. In the photo I have in pigtails, and a cute little dress. I have one of those goofy kid smiles where my eyes squint shut from smiling so big. Then I look over at Leo. I can’t help it. I have to laugh. He has on nice shoes, nice pants, and a button up shirt, even a little pocket. His hair is gelled to the side. I almost forgot how he was the first of my friends to lose a tooth, and that it was the front one. In his smile You can see his tongue trying to poke out of the little tooth shaped gap. 

“What’s so funny?” I hear someone ask behind me. I turn, and see Leo. He has on the old apron with his name sewn on from when we were kids. It only makes me laugh harder. 

“You still have the old apron!” I half yell. Now I clutch my stomach from laughing so hard. It barely even goes past his hips. Then I look at his hand which holds a piece of black fabric that looks just as small as the one he has on. 

“Oh, don’t worry, we have yours too.” I thought Dad was joking when he said that. 

“That old thing won’t fit me.” I protest, suddenly not laughing. 

“Well mine doesn’t fit me, but I still have to wear it.” he says holding it out to me. 

“Fine. What about Alexios? He doesn’t have an apron?” I say. He doesn’t, it’s true. He never came around to the store to help, so Mrs. Martin never made one for him. 

“Oh, we have one for him to.” Leo says handing Alexios a normal sized apron. “Mom made one for him last night. Anyway, welcome. We need someone to work in the gallery and someone in the back. Marley, you go to the gallery, and Alexios can come back with Dad.” 

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