Chapter 14

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Victoria’s POV

I’m still happy that the boys won the award they really deserved it to win! It was a really great evening and we all enjoyed being there.

I wake up because it’s raining. Niall’s arms are around me and I slowly try to get up without waking him up. I put shorts on and sneak out of the room. On the hallway I see Harry and say goodmorning. When I walk past Louis’ and Pas’ room I hear Pascalle saying “Lou, I think I’m pregnant.” I was shocked. Not because she might be pregnant, she didn’t tell me about that. And we talk about everything. When something happens we always tell each other before we talk to others about that. I know I don’t have the right to feel kinda angry about that but I can’t help. When I notice that some tears are on my cheeks I rush to get downstairs and run into the garden. There is a place with a roof and there are comfy sofas. I sit down and just stare in the rain and cry. I sit there for a while and have my arms around my legs. Then I notice it.

Someone’s here too. I feel a hand on my shoulder and this person sits down next to me. It’s Harry. “Stop crying. She don’t want to hurt you. I’m sure about that.” “I can try but it’s just we always tell each other first before anyone knows it.” I look towards him and see his green eyes looking at my blue ones. I get on the best with Harry when you don’t count Niall. We always have fun together and when I’m with him there is this side of me that appears – the cheeky side.

We sit there like forever and it is still raining. He pulls me a bit closer because he notices that I’m a bit freezing and I rest my head on his shoulder. Harry and I tell each other some stories to keep our heads off Pas’ pregnancy. “Vic you really love Niall right?” “Yeah I couldn’t be without him anymore. He’s my everything. Since my family doesn’t wanna be my family anymore life is a bit harder but I know he’s there for me like you and the other guys are.”

Usually Harry and I give each other little kisses on our cheeks just nobody ever saw us doing that. Harry kisses my cheek and suddenly someone shouts behind us “What the fuck?!!? Are you guys cheating?!?!?!” It’s Niall. He hurries to get away from the house and I run after him. “Niall stop!! You know how I hate it to run!!” But he doesn’t stop. I run as fast as I can and I’m nearly next to him when I trip and fall down on the ground. “Shit! That hurts.” I say and when I stand up I see Niall standing there. I see his eyes are full of tears and his cheeks too. “Why? Just tell me. Is it because we never had sex or what is it?” “Niall I don’t cheat on you. Harry and I get on so well, he’s my best male friend. We always give us little kisses on our cheeks but if you don’t want that we can stop with it. I don’t wanna lose you you’re my everything! I can’t imagine my life without you anymore and I also talked with Harry about that. The only reason we sat there outside is because I cried.” “Why did you cry? What happened?” “I know it’s a bad reason but uhm Pascalle thinks she is pregnant. I heard it when I walked past their room today in the morning when you were still sleeping. It just hurts usually we tell each other everything…” “It’s gonna be okay, trust me. I’m sorry. I had no right to think you were cheating on me.” “It’s okay. I love you. “I love you too my princess.” Niall hugs me tight and kisses me passionately. “You know what?” “What?” “We need some time for ourselves. Maybe we should go to a hotel for one night?” “The idea sounds good to me.” I smile now. We walk back grab some stuff we need and go to a beautiful hotel with a swimming pool and a nice restaurant and everything.

We check in and put our stuff into our hotel room. We go swimming and afterwards we eat in the restaurant it’s a really great night and I would never ever spend it with someone other than him.

When we’re back in our hotel room Niall puts his hands on my waist and I have mine around his neck. I lean with my back against the wall and we are snogging. He starts to unbutton my blouse and I unbutton his trousers when we both are just in our underwear I say “Niall?” “Yeah?” “This is embarrassing for me now but uhm I’m a virgin and uhm.” I blush and Niall says “That doesn’t matter. I love you and if you want to wait it’s okay for me.” “I don’t know why I deserve you.” “No. I don’t know why I deserve YOU.” Niall lifts me up and we both lay down in bed. We cuddle and soon we both fall asleep.

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