Chapter 20

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Victoria's POV

Last week Niall and I visited his family that they know me. I mean they have never seen me before and Niall and I are going to be married so they should meet me before the wedding. I really like his family! They are all so kind and asked me questions. I think they really want to know me. I get on well with them all and Niall told me that he's really glad about that.

Pas is pregnant again! She and Louis are really really happy together. And when the baby is born it will have many caring uncles and aunts. I think they are perfect as parents. Pas is still thinking about the miscarriage. I hope it won't happen again. She and Louis would be really sad...

I wake up and have to sneeze immadiately. "Ohh goodmorning gorgeous, don't get a cold in two days we'll marry!" Niall says and kisses my nose, what makes me giggle. "I'm not gonna get a cold. Don't worry about that by the way I have enough money now to pay for the restaurant after the wedding!" I say excited. "Aww you're so dedicatet! But you know I would pay that all? You don't need to work." "Yeahh I know but uhm I have a job that I actually really like and I also don't want people to use the fact that I don't work against us you know?" "Of course I do. I just wanted to tell you that" Then he kisses me passionately and I am on top of him. I feel his hands on my back and they slowly go down to my waist when someone interrupts us. "Oh my god Vic, Niall you have to get up! Do you know how late it already is? Aren't you even hungry?" Pas shouts and we get out of the bed.

I walk with my phone downstairs and sit down on the sofa. I go on twitter and notice that I have many followers. Most of them are Directioner! I check my mentions and see that people send me many tweets. Nearly all of them are tweets to follow them. I smile about that because actually I'm not even famous. It's just because of Niall that they want a follow from me. I decide to follow them, I mean they are nice I guess so why not? I'm alone in the living room, Pas Louis and Niall are doing breakfast in the kitchen and Zayn, Harry and Liam are outside in the garden. Then I notice a tweet.

You ugly bitch shouldn't marry Niall you don't deserve him! You just want his money!

Louis' POV

Pas, Niall and I are in the kitchen and make breakfast when we hear a loud noise. Like glass breaks or a mirror. Something like this. I walk into the living room and see that the glass of the small table next to one sofa is broken! Harry and Liam are already there and look if Vic is hurt. Gladly not, I mean her wedding is in two days she should look good and be happy. "Heey what happened girl?" I ask her when I sit down on one sofa. "I get loads of tweets. Most of them are nice they say that they love me and that Niall and I are so cute together and stuff but then there are also the ones who say I'm ugly , fat a bitch that I don't deserve Niall and that I just want his money" she answers. "Oh come on you know that's not true!" "Yeah I do it's just my feelings aren't normal they are mixed and change so fast I mean in two days I'm gonna marry the most lovely guy on earth!" "Aww you're gonna handle that." I say and then Zayn walks in and sings "Don't even care about the table breaking..." And we all laugh, even Vic.

Niall's POV

They tell me what happened when we eat the food Pas and I just made and to be honest, I don't understand why some fans are so rude to her! She's adorable and when she smiles there is something in her eyes which makes me feel great. Her bright blue eyes with the green ring around the pupils. Everyday I love this girls more and more. And soon I can call her my wife. I have a surprise for her on the day of our wedding. She's gonna love it. "Tonight there is an interview. Would you girls come with us?" "Of course we'd love to!" they both say.


Victoria's POV

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