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He's just returned from hunting in the woods when he hears the howling. Stopping, with his hand on the handle to his front door, he listens carefully to the pattern that bounces off the treetops.

Before he knows it, he's running, managing to remove his thin, tan shorts and stuff them into the tiny pocket that's strapped to his leg at the same time. The very next second, his two feet turn into four large paws, thudding violently against the ground.

There is an unknown wolf on his grounds, an intruder.

Passing by different pack members, mostly families with young children preparing to hide in their homes, Jeongguk goes over all possible scenarios in his head. Hopefully, it's just a stray looking to either join his pack or simply pass through.

The relations between the closest neighboring packs—Jeongguk's included—haven't been the best lately, so trespassing like this, regardless of intentions, is certainly not a wise choice. Especially with the alarming increase of packs made purely out of violent strays. Jeongguk and the rest of the strongest male wolves will fight and even kill anyone who shows themselves to be a threat to the pack.

Or it's the worst-case scenario, a pack of strays without a territory of their own, maybe already lying in ambush and waiting to overthrow them.

When he's able to smell the others with his sensitive nose, he knows he's close. Shifting back to his human form, he grabs the shorts from the little pocket and puts them back on. He can smell one of his closest friends, Taehyung, also in his human body.

It's been about an hour since the sun set, the otherwise calm forest now anxious as Jeongguk approaches the tumult happening within a tree-sparse part of it. According to predetermined protocol, a few others are out patrolling the rest of the borders and searching for other trespassers, but his most trusted right-hand men, Taehyung, Jin, and Hoseok, are present.

Only Taehyung is in his human form, the others appear as wolves. Jeongguk notices the intruder right away, coming up to stand beside Taehyung as they both observe it where it's cornered by the other wolves.

It's rare, seeing a completely white wolf. Jeongguk, himself, has the unusual fur of darkest black, and the others find themselves somewhere in between black, brown, and light grey.

"A female," Taehyung's deep voice informs Jeongguk, a puzzled look on his face. "We've tried talking to her, requesting her to shift, but she refuses."

The wolf is extremely agitated. Jin and Hoseok corner it against few large conjoined trees, keeping it from escaping like it so obviously wants to do. It's a small female wolf, carrying that same feminine scent that all female wolves do.

"She's very adamant about passing," Jeongguk mumbles as the wolf once again tries to sidestep Jin, only for the dark brown wolf to block her. Her reaction is to quickly back up again to avoid being bitten and growl loudly. Breathing heavily and clearly distressed, she stands in a protective stance with her teeth bared in a menacing snarl.

"Yeah, but it doesn't seem like she even understands us; otherwise, she'd just shift and talk to us. Like, we've tried to explain that we don't want to hurt her, but we can't just let her onto our grounds without knowing her intentions."

Taehyung sounds frustrated, and Jeongguk understands him. Sure, a small female wolf like this one probably isn't much of a threat herself, but they still can't let her through. What if she is a distraction, a part of a bigger plan?

"You sure it's not a regular wolf, then? I know they're rare, especially white ones, but if she doesn't understand..." Jeongguk suggests, inspecting the wolf. It's small for a werewolf, but if it really is just a regular wolf, it's one of the bigger ones.

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