Part 3 "shit."

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A/N:Hello bunny's, owls and nonbinary snakes how are you? I'm sorry I haven't updated this story for awhile I just had to deal with school and some personal problems but anyways enjoy the update


I drag the Bakugou kid away, I stop and turn to him and say "the fuck was that."  he just looked at me and was speechless i roll my eyes at him "just be careful next time okay kid " i turn back around and leave to hell with this i just started "hey you man in the black come here!" i look back and its that same police officer i bumped into earlier "shit.." i start running away as fast as i can. 

don't get caught don't get caught . was the only thing going through my mind i turn a corner and to my surprise i bump into another officer i just look at him and attempt to go around him but he just puts a hand on my chest "please take your hand off of me." i ask him as polity as i can he replies with " pretty sure you're the one being chased" i looked behind me and see the officer from the building i grabbed the officers wrist and flipped him easily and i continued running. 

I do some weird parkour up the walls in an alleyway and hop over the wall and walk into a crowd and continue walking until I get to my apartment I take my jacket, shoes and mask then I lock my door and flop on my sofa and scroll through my phone.


After i got up from the floor the other officer or rather detective Tsukauchi
HE asked me if I knew which direction that guy runned I pointed over to the alley way and I'm not joking you when I tell you he sprinted he sprinted but stopped when he got to the alley way. He came walking back "are you sure he went that way?" I looked at the detective and nodded "I'm positive." he just sighed and walked away towards the alleyway after he asked me too call it in. So I did as I was told and I called it in and not long after their where cops like myself and detectives everywhere asking by standards questions about him and sure enough we got a lead and we followed it that then lead to another lead than to another until we got to a apartment building. Detective Tsukauchi walks into the lobby area and somehow manages to evacuate the building. multiple cops go in, guns in hand.


I have my ear phones in, listening to music as I write out a schedule I take them out and get up to grab a glass of water. I drink my water and begin walking to my room until I hear a knock on my door I start to walk towards it until a bullet fires through my door I watch it as it hits a grenade that doesn't work or well I thought it goes off and explodes a good bit of the wall I quickly get my gun out from my pocket and hide behind a pillar in my main room they burst through and I peak around the corner and they shot "shit this ain't going to work" I put it back in my holster and roll across the room and grab my katana on display i then smile and look at them they put their guns down. everything is silent until they hear some chains rustling and the lights turn off as i say "blackout.."

I start to take out some cops guns not hurting them they just kept coming where they think I am once I got all their guns out of their hands and I walk over to the other side of the room and turn on the light and ask them "why were you shooting at me?" the one in the suit turned and put his hands up "because you were involved with the booming on (....) street" I look at him confused and replied with" yeah I was their but i didn't make or set of the boom" he just looks at me twice as confused "well why were your chains around the building " I sigh "one, because I needed to go into the building and two it was going to fall down and if nothing held it up when it went boom it would have fallen" he just stands their shocked "how did you know that if you didn't make it " I rolled my eyes "because I have contacts" he puts his hands down "well do you know who blew the building up" I nod my head " yes but their my contacts and they trust me with this information" he sigh " right then well get going ,goodbye mr.." he trails off waiting for me to finish 

"trurant, Percival trurant." he nods and walks out with the other cops i sigh " I thought they'd never leave..."











a/n: hey right i have no clue what is wrong with this chapter but if you find something wrong just tell me please.

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