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It was already dark when I was awaken by the sound of Kun walking into our bedroom, "honey?" I call to him as he walks up to the bed to kiss me, "sorry it took longer," he says getting into the bed to hold me.

I glanced at the clock 2 am, "2 am? are you sure it was work," I ask him as he chuckles kissing me. "You are the only one I love," he says kissing me a little more rough. I pull away from him not wanting to go any further.

I turn to face away from him only for him to pull me into his arms, "I'm sorry," he says kissing my lips softly. "Tomorrow let's go out me you and Areum. I won't answer my phone at all," he says cuddling into me. "Okay sounds good, forgiven," I say closing my eyes to go back to sleep.

Next Morning

Kun lightly shakes me awake, "baby come on get ready," I open my eyes to Kun pecking my lips. "Areum is changed, Breakfast is ready all my queen needs is to get ready," he sweetly says.

I do as he said and put on my clothes and did my makeup, I looked at myself in the mirror as I did my hair, "my beautiful wife looks amazing," Kun walks in with Areum in one hand and a plate of pancakes on the other.

He feeds me a bite as I curl my hair, when I noticed his watch it was broken. "babe..it broke," I say pointing at his watch. "Yeah I took it off yesterday at the office and it fell on the floor," he says.

"We should get it fixed, it's your favorite," I say finishing up the pancakes at the last curl on my hair.

We head downstairs, Kun stands Areum on the couch as he puts on her coat. I put mine on as grab my purse and the baby bag. "Thank you babe~ you did everything I feel bad," I say as he hands me the baby.

He chuckles taking the baby seat and the stroller to the car, "You already do so much, and I did it because I love you," he says. I smile putting Areum in the car seat as he starts the car. We drive out of the driveway and onto our small get away.

After a while of driving he finally pulls up at a flower field, there were so many flowers all of different colors. "A while ago you said you wanted to come and take pictures," he said parking the car.

We both get out of the car, I open the back door to get Areum as he opens the trunk to get the stroller out. Areum as she rode in the stroller stuck her head out every time she saw a pretty flower. "We should head over to the boat ride first and then explore," Kun said leading me to the boat rentals.

"This will have us tour around the lake so we can see all the beautiful scenery," he said paying to the boat. I take Areum out of the stroller while Kun put it somewhere safe. We both followed the tour guide as he helped us to get to the boat.

"Ms. I can help" he says wanting to take my hand, before he had the chance to Kun held my hand as he helped me into the boat. "Babe don't be jealous," he smirks at me. "Who me? never," he says looking at the guide.

We sit in the boat, "mama," Areum says pointing at the water and then at the scenery she was seeing. "I know my baby it's so pretty," I say as Areum moves her head around to make sure she was seeing everything.

After our boat ride Kun went back to get the stroller when I was approached by a man wearing black. "Do you know Qian Kun? what is he to you?" he says in a harsh tone. As he spoke to me I could already sense the danger, but why would they come looking for him.

Before I had the chance to answer, "That's me state your business or get lost," Kun harshly tells the guy, the guy clenched his fist it seemed that even for a moment he wanted to throw a punch at Kun.

But in the end the guy did go away, "who," I look at Kun as he silently takes Areum from me and straps her in the stroller, "You know how I said we had a VIP, well if we didn't send the papers by yesterday they were going to send people to hurt us," he says. I look at Kun in concern as he takes my hand, "don't worry everything's taken care of, that guy probably didn't get the memo," he says reassuring me.

"Tell Taeyong not to give you any of those VIP customers, he should have Jaemin or Yuta do them," he chuckles as we walk into the flower maze to take pictures of Areum.

We walked along the trail of flowers taking selfies and pictures, "babe how about we take one of Areum here?" I ask he nods getting Areum off the stroller as he stands her up. "Babe you should join us," he says looking around for someone to take the picture.

"Kun!" I hear a familiar voice call out to him, we both turn our heads to see Ten and Mark making their way to us. "hey guys!," we both greet them. "And who's this little lady?" Ten asks holding Areum's hand. "Didn't Kun tell you guys I was pregnant?" I say looking at Kun. He nervously chuckles, "ah right! Kun why didn't you tell us I would love to spoil her," Mark says.

"Her dad spoils her too much already!" I say. Ten walks over to me taking my camera pushing me towards Kun and Areum. Kun pulls me close as the 3 of us smile for the camera.

After our long day Areum had finally fallen asleep on our way home, "She had a big meal and fell asleep fast," Kun says looking at her through the mirror. "Remember when we had to ride her around in the car just so she can fall asleep," I say remembering the times when she was just a newborn.

"I wonder why Mark and Ten came," I say looking at the pictures they took. "Hm they did say they wanted to swing by just to look what the big deal was," he says looking at the road.

He was probably right, everyone was coming here to see why people were talking about this place.


Damn those bastards might target my family any second now


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