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Kun's Pov

By the time y/n got back from speaking to Jeonghan Areum was sleeping in Xiaojun's arms. Allowing my daughter to get closer to the boys was never something I'd do but y/n told me that they are close friends and that they should be in my life.

"Babe what did he say" she looked annoyed meaning it didn't go well. I knew her too well, when she gets upset nothing ever goes well. "I don't know if he's an idiot or just bad at his job" she says. The boys looked surprised by her tone. "What did he say" I asked her as she sat next to Xiaojun to check up on Areum. I almost wanted to pull her away by the way she was leaning on his shoulder. "They found a suicide note and apparently he overdosed. Any idiot would find the stab wounds but he completely disregarded them!" She says.

That was suspicious, in a police investigation the stab wounds will be the most noticeable. Maybe it was time to get back and do my actual job. "Look into Yoon Jeonghan," Taeyong tells Taeil. I sat down next to her holding her hand as she lays her head on my shoulder. "Why is this happening? I wish I didn't walk in that day" she softly says. I felt guilt that she had to see that. The image is probably still glued onto her mind. "I wonder if I didn't know this wouldn't have happened" she says.

A month later


It's been a month since the incident happened but nothing else ever happened after that. Perhaps the boys took care of it and didn't tel me for my own sake. Kun came into the kitchen while I was making breakfast, I felt him walk up behind me and hug me kissing my neck. "Morning" he whispers moving his hand onto mine helping me with the food. When he did things like this it still made me blush, I turned back to kiss him. "Food will be ready soon so go" I say lightly pushing him away from me.

We sit at the table and start eating. "Areum turns one in a month we should plan her party" you said getting excited but emotional at the same time. "My baby is one already!" Kun says looking at Areum who was playing with her food and trying to feed herself. A couple of weeks ago she finally learned how to walk and was now running all over the place with the both of us chasing after her.

"We can talk about this later." Kun says after finishing his food getting up to head to work. I get up after him meeting him at the door. "When you go to your dad's company later be safe" he says putting on his coat. I nod patiently waiting for my kiss. Knowing him he already knew what I wanted and was going to tease me. Without uttering a word he walked out the door, "you forgot something!" I call to him. With a playful smirk he turns to look at me, "and what's that darling?" He says pulling me into his arms. I pout my lips pointing at them, "fine only because Areum is by herself" he says leaning in to kiss me.

He pulls away, "have fun you two." He says saying goodbye. I head back inside to go the household items. Once i was done i chased Areum who was running away from me refusing to get her bath. "Areum! Come on!" I say exhausted but only her giggles were heard.

We were finally changed and ready to head out when I opened the door I saw Hendery and Jaehyun about to knock. "Hello guys" I get out of the house and lock it with Areum is squirming to be placed on the ground. I do as she wanted but held her hand so she wouldn't go anywhere. "Kun's not here" Jaehyun chuckles, "we are actually here for you" they followed me to my car. "Me but why" Hendery sits in the back seat with Areum and Jaehyun in the passengers seat.

"You inherit the company today and you know those bad people might be there" Jaehyun says.  So they hadn't been taken care of yet which only made me more worried. "Kun's only worried so we are tagging along" Hendery says playing with Areum.

We pull up at the company, reporters are already there. Areum is going to feel overwhelmed about everything. "Hendery can you take Areum to the back entrance?" He nods taking her off the seat. Me and Jaehyun made our way to the front to face the reporters.

"What will the future of the Na group look like?"
"Was it really suicide?"
"How will you balance this sudden responsibility?"

We didn't answer any of the questions we just continued to make our way in. "Wait why isn't my brother coming?" Jaehyun hadn't thought about it either. Jaemin was also a part of the Na group so the least he should do is be here for this day. "He's already here" Jaemin says coming from behind us. "Look you will inherit this place and I will work here for you" Jaemin says. I never thought he'd say that, growing up he wanted nothing to do with this company and now for my sake he was going to take this place over. "Areum still needs you I'll be a bad uncle if I took you from her" he says meeting up with Hendery and her.

"On my way over here there were some guys lurking around," Hendery tells us. "They won't do anything they just want to see what decision the Na family is making" Jaehyun says. They were only here to spy on us. "Make a decision for them to hear and then give the real one" I hear Kun's voice echo in the meeting room. "Dada!!!" Areum runs to him hugging his legs waiting for him to pick her up. "We could've come together" I say. "I know but I needed to do something" he says showing me some documents. "I told the executives that the meeting is in an hour" he says. This man was so prepared.

Pretty soon the door opens, and executives walk in. "These people work at Taeyong's company" he says as they sit down and look through the paper. "Okay, now you are going to say that you are giving up the company to NCITY," he says. "And then they all leave, Hendery will make sure that they heard and have the get out so that the actual meeting will start" he says giving me a wink. He always makes sure I'm not alone.

Soon Hendery walks back in, "they took the bait" everyone nods changing the papers back to the original ones and we wait for the actual meeting to start.

"I Na y/n will be the chairwoman and appoint Na Jaemin as the CEO" I announce my plans. No one had a say since we had a pretty good standing with the people my father worked with for a long time ago.

Everything went pretty smoothly, I had only hoped our problems would have ended here. "Babe let's go for some food!" Kun says holding Areum's free hand as we walk towards the car. I happily nod, "hurry I'm hungry"

"Naive little y/n you think you can get rid of me so easily you are wrong."

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed!

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