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I walked into the grocery store with my shopping list in hand. Kun had sent me to the store saying we didn't have as much food anymore. Since Areum was still asleep he decided to stay home with her.

No ones POV

He stepped into the company rolling in the stroller that had his sleeping daughter inside. He knew he had to do this quickly before she woke up and before his wife got home.

"You do know this isn't a place for a baby right?" Ten says peeking inside the stroller. "I know but what type of dad will I be if I left her alone" he says walking into his office where the rest of the guys were waiting for him. "Where's this guy at?" Kun said to his friends as they handed him a gun. A dark expression appeared on his face as he left the room.

He stepped into the dark room where the person he had caught yesterday was. He tapped the gun several times so that person could know he was in there. "W-who are you what do you want from me?" A scared voice cries out. "You know what I want" Kun whispers waking closer to the tied up man. "Is it about your wife" the sound of someone else calling his wife made him more angry. "Who is trying to kill her who is the real boss?" He questions aiming his gun at his legs.

"B-boss? I can't he'll kill me!!" Kun chuckles looking at the gun and back at the him. "You mean you rather die here than tell me?" He says mocking him. "No don't kill me! I have a family I need to take care of! My wife she just gave birth!" Something in Kun snapped he came back to his senses. "Why do they want with my wife? It's not about the company" Kun lightly says dropping his gun. "You have a wife too you would do anything to protect her right?" Kun says this time in a nicer tone than before.

The man in front of him relaxed, "fine, I don't know who the boss is I only received orders. Something about revenge," he was surprised. All this was to get revenge on her? Who would want to get revenge on her? He's known her for such a long time he more than anyone would know she would never do anything bad to deserved revenge.

The only thing left was finding out who was doing theses terrible things to her and her family.

Y/n's POV

"Honey I'm home!" I say opening the door with all the groceries. Kun walks up from the table he was probably feeding Areum. He takes the bags from me and puts them on the kitchen counter. "I made breakfast so just sit my love" Kun sweetly says showing me the breakfast he had prepared for me. I happily eat it, "I deserve a kiss don't I?" Kun says puckering his lips in a goofy way.

I smile pouting my lips so he can place a kiss on them. "Now my mom is coming soon so let's get Areum ready so she can greet her" Kun says picking Areum up to take her to the bath he had prepared for her. While he gave her a bath I decided to clean up the kitchen when I saw something weird.

The stroller was out in the patio, the last thing I remembered is that it was in the trunk of the car. "Kun?" I call him. "Yeah?" His faint voice comes in from the bathroom. "Was the stroller always outside?" A second later i hear his response, "oh no I took it out in case my mom wanted it sorry I didn't tell you!" He replies. He's right maybe I was being so overly fatuous over everything that was going on recently.

Pretty soon Areum runs out in her pretty dress as Kun chases after her as they play together. The best part of being a parent was seeing moments like these. Areum runs up and hide behind my legs trying to hide her giggles, "where's my princess?" Kun acts likes he's looking around for something. Areum clung onto my leg giggling, "there she is!!" Kun says picking her up showering her in kisses. Until we hear the sound of the doorbell, I go to get the door and is quickly embraced in a tight hug.

"Mother! Lovely to see you!" I say hugging her back as she places a bag of fruits in my hands and moves on to Kun and Areum. "Oh y/n she looks just like you!" She exclaims holding her. I smile as Kun walks over to me sliding his hand around my waist. "She acts just like Kun though" I say as my mother in law laughs agreeing with me.

I hand her Areum's bag, "have fun!" I tell her kissing her cheek as Kun takes the car seat to his mom's car. Areum only kisses my cheek as she waves her hand like if she was saying don't worry I will mommy.

We watch the car pull away, something in my chest was struck as I watched my daughter leave. "Are you sad? I heard this happens when a mom is away from her baby for the first time," Kun says walking me inside our house. So that's what it was, "yeah I guess you are right," I say sitting down on the couch as Kun lays down on my chest.

I played with his hair as he closed his eyes, "this is weird," he suddenly says getting up. I chuckle agreeing with him, "I miss her already," I pout as Kun kisses me. "I mean I miss her too but I love this alone time," he says leaning into me placing more kisses on my face.

Of course I should have known Kun was going to be like this, we continued to make out or tongues battling for dominance but of course his won all the time. He was about to me pick me up to take us to the bedroom until his phone started ringing.

My excitement soon turned into disappointment as Kun continued to kiss me ignoring the phone. I pulled away, "babe pick up the phone it's getting annoying," I say reaching over to hand him his phone.

He gave me an apologetic look, "just hold on, i'll make it up tonight," he then says giving me a seductive smirk making me chuckle as I sit up to fix my shirt.

"You won't believe who the boss is"

"Tell me later I was in the middle of something" he says giving me a smile.

"Yoon Jeonghan,"





thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this.

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