The desc/exp. Is going to be the first chapter simply because it feels easier to do it like that.
This story i...
Plot: In a new world where koga and inuyasha were reincarnated as humans in the same time. Where kagura and sesshomaru make it to see their love for each other sealed by their vows. Where after so many years, in every life sango and miroku will always choose each other. Where rin gets the loving family and childhood she deserved. Where kikiyo and kagome could both exist in the same time. This story mainly revolves around koga and inuyasha who in a past life had undiscovered feelings for each other but fell apart and never ended up together. Now reincarnated as humans and thrusted into each others lives by fate, once again they fall in love all over again. They trip over themselves as they experience the deja vu of the failed love they once had in their past lives as a wolf demon and a dog hanyu. Will they make it to see their love succeed or will they fall apart, stressed from the deja vu of their past but unknown experiences.
Inuyasha: student. Is a part of the karate club and the acrobatics club. (Is not related to sesshomaru) Kogas Roommate.
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Koga: student. Is a part of the track team and the kendo club. Inuyashas Roommate.
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Sesshomaru:a daycare worker. kaguras husband. lives on campus in the teachers quarters with his wife and daughter. (Is not related to inuyasha)
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Rin: sesshomaru and kaguras adopted daughter. Attends kindergarten and daycare.
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Kagura: teacher. Sesshomarus wife. Teaches homeroom and dance/music class. Is in charge of the swim team.
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Miroku and Sango:students. Boyfriend and girlfriend. They've exchanged promise rings. Sangos part of the softball team. Miroku spends extra curricular time off campus, tending to the duties of a monk. Miroku lives off campus with other monks. Sango rents an apartment nearby so they can be close.
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Kikiyo: student. Is a part of the archery club. Also volunteers as the school nurse assistant. Kagomes Roommate.
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Kagome: student. Is a part of the tennis club. Spends most of her time with sango and kikiyo. Is dating Hugo. Kikiyos Roommate.
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