~Chapter 12~

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I opened my eyes to realize I was on Bronwyn's shoulders and my entire body was killing me, mainly my shoulder. Clearly my brain was all mush from the previous events and my dumbass decided to groan out," wait is Jesus real?"

"Rose, thank god!"

I felt myself be gently lowered to the ground as everyone gathered around me as I slowly rubbed my forehead.

"Is anyone going to help me up or are we recreating a Lifealert commercial," I mumbled out as I stuck my arms up. But the second Jake pulled on my left shoulder, there was a hot searing pain that caused me to scream out and after rock climbing for so many years, I knew what had happened,"fuck I dislocated my shoulder. Alright change of plans, help me sit up and we need to pop my shoulder back in place. Jake you need to push my arm up."

I helped Jake figure out where he needed to grab my arm as I tightly held onto Enoch's hand. 

"Okay, 1...2...3."

I felt my shoulder pop back into its socket as I screamed out loud and bit down on my hand that was still holding onto Enoch's.

"SON OF A MOTHERFUCKING BITCH FUCKITY FUCK FUCK," I screamed out as I layed myself back on the ground.

Ignoring Jake's attempts of coddling me, I just summoned a sling, painkillers, an ice pack, and a water bottle. Then I got to work on patching myself up, first taking an extra douse of painkillers before placing an ice pack on my shoulder and placing my arm in a sling.

"Rose are you alright," Enoch softly asked.

"I'm fine,"I huffed out as I rested my head on his shoulder,"Is there any sign of Barron and Miss Peregrine?"

Emma shook her head," Gone. Barron must have had a boat."

"Well, we have to go after them, we know he is taking her to Blackpool," Jake said, as I nodded my head, agreeing with him.

" But Blackpool is miles away, and the next ferry doesn't go for hours. We'll never make it in time,"Millard protested.

"Not unless we go by boat too,"Jake shot back, looking at Emma.

So we all got into a tiny little boat out in the ocean and we followed Emma into a sunken ship deep down in the bottom of the ocean. After a few modifications, we got the ship afloat and I summoned a compass, a map and just for fun, a captain's hat. Once we were on course, I made my way to the kids crowded at a door trying to listen to was Jake and Emma were saying. 

Once I had summoned enough towels for everyone, I tiredly rest my head on Enoch's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me and kiss the top of my head," how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine Enoch," I whispered," how are you?"

"I could be better,"he whispered after a while.

"I'm sorry about everything that has happened today," I muttered into his chest. 

"Well I'm not," he said with a smirk as he kissed my cheek.

"Cheeky bastard," I mumbled out, elbowing him in the chest as I stepped forward and pushed open the doors out one impatience,"So, have we found Miss Avocet's loop on the map yet?"

Jake cleared his throat and walked in my direction trying to move on from Emma and him almost kissing,"It's here, but it's new, she made it earlier this year. It's our year but if we don't get out before it closes, we're stuck in January 2016."

"Great," Enoch spoke up beside me,"so time up catches up with all of us, we all die except you! Plan," he said is a sarcastic tone. This got him elbowed in the ribs by me.

"The loop closes at 4:30, we just need to get in, rescue the Ymbrynes and get out."

"If we're not already dead,"Enoch argued back," Miss Avocet said the machine is in the seller of the Blackpool Tower building. That means we'll be indoors with Hollows."

"No, we won't! I've got a plan, but I'm going to need your help." 

After we had all listened to Jake's plan I summoned some warmer clothes and with the help of Emma I was finally warmly dressed.

After we had all listened to Jake's plan I summoned some warmer clothes and with the help of Emma I was finally warmly dressed

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As Emma and I left the room, we can face to face with Fiona, Claire, Olive and Bronwyn who were all giggling.

"Are you with Enoch?"

My mouth just dropped, trying to find something to say, but words escaped me and I just stood there like an idiot.

"Yes, yes she is,"my head snapped to where I heard the voice only to see Enoch who held his hand out for me to grab which I did before turning back to look at Emma this a confused look on my face. 

"Are we actually together,"I whispered once we were far away.

"Um, I- if you would like to," Enoch stuttered out, loosing all confidence from minutes before.

"Mr. Enoch O'Conner," I said in a dramatic tone and I bended on one knee as if I was proposing,"will you do me the honer of becoming my boyfriend?"

He just scoffed with a tiny little smile on his face and he nodded,"yes I'll be your boyfriend."

"He said yes,"I whooped out loudly as I got up from my knee and wrapped my good arm around him, bringing him into a hug.

Enoch went one step further and brought his lips to mine,"must you keep up with the theatrics?"

"Shakespeare once said ' All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players', so yes I will keep up with the theatrics. Now come on, I can't sail a boat with only one arm," I said grabbing hold of his hand and pulling him in the direction of the helm of the ship. 

The two of us were successfully able to steer the boat to the pier only to come across an abandoned amusement park ride. 

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