Chapter 11

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~No one's POV~

Harry was seriously glad that he didn't have Potion's class today, he couldn't possibly face the man after that. He let out a frustrated sigh as he got into his Quidditch uniform, 'I'll probably have to face him sooner or later...' his thoughts were interrupted by a certain redhead, "Hurry up, mate! We've only got a few minutes to be out on the fields!" Harry quickly put on the rest of his uniform, grabbed his broom and headed to the field.
Once he was out on the fields and into the air he quickly scanned the stands for Hermione and Hagrid, spotting them and waving happily. He chanced a quick look toward where Snape usually sat and they locked eyes, he quickly looked away, a bright red blush on his cheeks.
Snape noticed him getting flustered and chuckled to himself.


It was 20 or so minutes into the game and no sight of the snitch. Harry's look of determination was strong and fierce as he kept an eye out for Malfoy and the snitch. Harry huffed as he sat up on his broom to relax a little and keep from being so stiff. He continued to scan the area as he felt a small *whoosh* and seen Malfoy settle 5ft away from him, "Seriously think you'll be lucky this game, Potter?" Harry just rolled his eyes and huffed, flying away from Malfoy to avoid problems.
Confident that the snitch wasn't going to show up right then, he chanced a small look at Snape and was surprised to see him staring back at him. Now feeling rather nervous, Harry wiped his palms on his pants and was just getting back into position when he heard the snitch zip by his head, now flying as quick as he could he followed the snitch knowing that Malfoy was a bit behind. Hearing the various cheers and the general buzz of the stands, he was feeling more energized and confident than a few moments ago and unbeknownst to Harry, Snape was on the verge of openly cheering for Harry. His fingers were inches away from the snitch, he smiled knowing that Gryffindor had won yet another game. Then out of nowhere he heard Malfoy send a hex his way and he was now falling towards the ground. Doing the only thing that he could think of, he quickly grabbed his wand and tried as fast as he could to summon his broom to him, "Accio broom!" he yelled as loud as he could as if the volume of his voice would determine how fast it would get to him, he had fallen quite far from his broom already but it was worth a try. Just as he was 20ft from the ground, he saw one of the professors had thrown an empty phial and transfigured it into a makeshift landing pad. Harry relaxed only slightly and let himself fall onto the pad, landing on his back with a 'huff', Harry sat up and rushed to stand, once on his feet he was visibly shaking at the thought that he could've been seriously injured and sent to the hospital wing for awhile. He stood there shaking for a few seconds until he felt himself grow sick and fell to his knees and threw up onto the grass.
Draco was called down onto the ground and Harry could see Hermione, Hagrid, Snape, and the Headmaster rush towards him, Ron coming down from the sky right as they reached him. Hermione and Ron quickly knelt beside him and one of them cast a quick cleaning spell so no one would step into his sick pile. Harry looked up shakily, eyes wide and his face pale as he registered that he could've possibly died. He was on his feet in an instant as he launched himself at Draco, his fists coming into contact with his face repeatedly, "I could've actually died you piece of shit! What in the actual hell in wrong with you?! I've had enough of your pointless bullying and harassment! This crosses the line, Malfoy!" he continued screaming as he was pulled off of, the now very bloody, Draco. Hagrid continued to hold them as everyone standing near him could practically feel the anger radiating off of him, the Headmaster looked at Draco and cast a few minor healing spells and made it very clear that they were going to his office and that the game would be postponed. The other people standing with Harry were visibly shocked, although of course Snape didn't show it, and none of them knew what to say. Finally Ron stepped up to him after he had seemed to calm down, "Bloody hell mate... I don't think i've ever seen you like that before. It was kinda scary." Harry just huffed and summoned his broom and walked towards the Quidditch Changing Room to get back into his clothes. He was still shaken by the fact that not only could he have died but that he finally snapped. Harry ran a hand through his hair in frustration and quickly got into his clothes and made his way to the castle


He finally made into his and Snape's chambers and made his way into his room, now sitting down to collect his thoughts and given himself time to actually register what just happened. "I could've fucking died..." he said to no one, he ran a shaky hand over his face in a failed attempt to calm down and now growing panicked he stood and started to pace around his room. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, feeling himself quickly become sick again, he ran out of his room and passed Snape who had just walked in and into the bathroom. Snape grimaced as he heard Harry release the contents of his stomach into the toilet bowl. He walked into the bathroom doorway, "Are you alright, Potter?" he nearly facepalmed at his idiotic question, he looked down to see Potter glaring at him, a glare that could almost rival Severus'. Snape nodded and left leaving to go into his personal lab to retrieve a potion to help the sick boy.
Harry had just sat up and leaned against the wall for support when Snape returned, phial in hand, he offered it to Harry who took it and quickly gulped it down and sighed. "I'm sorry to burden you, Professor." sweat dripping down his brow, he used the back of his hand to wipe his forehead and went to stand, his legs once again shaking. Snape raised an eyebrow at him and Harry put up a hand, "I'm fine. Just do me a favor and make sure I can make it to my room. I want to grab clothes so I could shower." He knew that the potion would take a few minutes to take effect. Snape nodded curtly and followed behind Harry and was satisfied when he made it to his door with no problems.
Harry, coming out his room looking much better now, sighed and rushed into the bathroom and closed the door softly behind him. Snape heard the sound of water hitting the floor of the shower and settled behind his desk, knowing that he would have to talk to Harry about what happened because it was unacceptable but at the same time the Malfoy, devil spawn, deserved it. Sighing and trying to maintain focus on the papers he needed to grade, 'Thinking back on it... Potter didn't seem like himself at all, to snap like that, he has to be suppressing a lot of rage.' Growling, Severus forced thoughts of Harry out of his mind to actually get finished with the papers in front of him.
Roughly 15 minutes later, Harry came out of the bathroom in a pair of gray lounge shorts and a t-shirt. Snape looked up to see if Harry was doing better and was surprised at the sight before him, he felt heat starting to rise to his face and he quickly looked back to the papers before him. Harry looked over at Snape and sighed, "I'm going to get in trouble for earlier aren't I?" Severus cleared his throat and looked up, his face now clear of any previous emotion, "I'm not sure, Potter. It's not up to me." he smirked amusedly, "Although, Albus has told me that he wishes for me to speak to you about it."
Harry sighed and went into his room to put his dirty clothing away and  then back out in front of Snape's desk.
He cleared his throat anxiously and waited for Snape to talk.

~~Please leave me any sort of feedback to either let me know if you're enjoying the story or if you have any complaints :) ~~

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