Chapter 14

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~At Malfoy Manor~

Snape rushed over to his usual chair for these summonings and sat down, quickly occluded his mind and listening to what was being discussed.

There was a slam on the table as the Dark Lord grew angry, "How is it that almost every single time I send a group of my Death Eaters to carry out a plan, they come back with only words of failure!" Snape quietly cleared his throat and silently prayed to Merlin for the poor soul that would be suffering under his Lord's wand. Voldemort's gaze swept the room and landed on Lucius, "Lucius, one of my highest ranking. So how is it, that you can't seem to carry out my orders properly?" Lucius shifted in his seat uncomfortably and cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, My Lord. It appears that the order has gained quite a large number of new members over the last few weeks, making it harder to go through with your requests, sir." Voldemort's nose slits flared slightly as he started to angrily breathe and stood, drawing his wand and screaming Crucio at Lucius. He fell to the floor with a thud and began screaming and writhing in intense pain. It took everything in Severus to not look away and grimace, the Dark Lord's been growing increasingly angry within the past few months at the constant failure of his plans. Once Voldemort was finished cursing the Malfoy man and put his wand away and cleared his throat and turned to Severus. "Severus, hopefully you come bringing good news." he said giving his disgusting and crooked smile, Severus nodded his head in confirmation, "In fact, My Lord, I do. The old man has told me that I need to set my grudges aside and be nicer to the boy in hopes of getting closer to him." Lies of course but the Dark Lord needn't know that. He just hoped that he knows of the past hatred between the two so he could understand that this could possibly be a lengthy process. "However, there is quite a large amount of hatred for me within the boy so it will take time." Voldemort seemed to contemplate this for a moment and gave one nod of approval, dismissing everyone. Severus stood and held in the sigh that threatened to come out. He quickly made for the exit of this wretched place and once out the front door of Malfoy Manor, he apparated.

Snapes Quarters

Dumbledore was still on Snapes sofa waiting for his return and feeling rather useless, Harry had stopped screaming some time ago but had yet to come out so he assumed that Harry was unconscious however, feeling rather anxious that he should've awoken by now, the Headmaster stood and walked towards Harrys room and opened the door. Peering in around the door he looked at Harry and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Walking away and closing the door behind him, he began to pace around the sitting room. He was stopped when he heard the fireplace roar to life as Severus walked through.
Albus quickly rushed over to him, "Are you alright, my boy? Any news?" Snape sat in his usual chair and sighed, "There's not much news except that he's livid. Apparently all of the missions he has sent his Death Eaters out on have been failures. But that's all that was spoken." Albus nodded and began to think, they sat their in silence for some time before the Potions Master cleared his throat. Albus looked up at the man and raised an eyebrow, "Is Potter alright? I can only imagine the pain he went through with how angry the Dark Lord was." Albus slightly smiled and nodded, "He's fine, he's asleep at the moment. I'm sure all the screaming has tired him out" Snape nodded curtly and started to stare into the flames, lost in thought.

Severus sat there for awhile, staring into the flames and not saying a word. just simply lost in thought. Thinking about all thats been happening between him and Harry.
He beat himself up mentally for touching the young man and for even thinking that he deserves a young man such as Harry. 'I've done too much wrong in my life to deserve someone like him. I got his parents killed for Merlins sake! I'm the reason theres a homicidal maniac is after him.'
Snape suddenly growled and stood, heading for his bedroom. "I'll be going to sleep for the night, Albus."
And with that slammed the door to his rooms shut and left the Headmaster on his sofa, confused. Albus sat there for a few more minutes still very confused until he heard the sound of glass shattering come from Severus' room and decided it was best to check on the man. He knocked on Severus' door and upon getting no reply, cautiously opened the door. "Severus?" he looked towards the bathroom and seen the light peeking through the slightly open door, making his way towards it he opens the door to see a broken mirror, blood, and a frustrated Potions Master sitting on he edge of his bathtub. "Severus! What on Earth is going on?" Severus scoffed and ran his non-injured hand through his hair, "I think thats rather obvious, Albus." The Headmaster squatted beside him and took his hand into his own, "I meant, Severus, why on Earth did you punch your mirror and why on Earth are you acting this way?!" Snape scoffed and snatched his bloody hand away and stood, "I fail to understand how any of this concerns you!" He turned off the bathroom light on his way out without waiting for the Headmaster to get out. The Headmaster quickly followed the other man into his bedroom, "Severus, not only are you a part of my staff but I consider you a very close friend. Please, tell me, what is bothering you?" Severus turned around quickly to face the Headmaster and began to speak, "I understand, Albus, that it would be terrible if one of your pawns were to start cracking! But this matter does not concern you so please, get out of my chambers now so I can clean myself up and try to get some form of rest!" Albus was taken aback, standing there speechless he was only brought back to reality when he heard the bathroom door slam once again and the lock turning, giving up, he quietly left and would certainly not forget to bring this up once Severus had calmed down.


Harry had waken up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. He quickly heard yelling and a door slamming, he waited a few moments before finally pulling the covers off of him and rushing to Snape's bedroom door.
"Professor? Is everything alright?" he began knocking in a panic
"Professor, are you alri-" he was cut off by the opening of the door and Snape about to snap until he realized it was Harry at the door. Snape took a deep breath and calmed himself, "What is it, Potter?" Harry took a second to take in Snapes appearance and his eyes widened once his gaze settled onto the Potions Masters bloody hand, "What happened, Professor? It wasn't Vol-" he stopped when he noticed Snape grimace, "I mean, You-Know-Who, didn't do this did he?" Snape sighed and shook his head, "No, Potter, it wasn't the Dark Lord. And neither does it concern you." Harry furrowed his brow and crossed his arms, "No, it isn't my concern but it wasn't your concern either when I was falling off of my broom!" Snape began rubbing his temples, "As a teacher here, every students well-being is my concern, Potter." Harry nodded but continued, "Yes, I suppose so but you could've left my well-being to any other professor and yet you were the first one to act. While I appreciate it, I can't help but wonder why you didn't just let my body hit the ground. You could've gotten rid of one of your biggest headaches right then and there." Snape was growing more frustrated by the second, roughly grabbing the young man, he pulled him into his bedroom and towards his bathroom. Once he opened the door he looked at the boy and waited for him to respond. Harry took in the state of the bathroom, there was broken glass everywhere along with a lot of blood, he looked at up at the older man, "Why on Earth would you punch your mirror?! Look at your hand for Merlins sake! Are you alright? It doesn't hurt too much does it? I can help you with treating it if you'd like, I know you think very low of my intelligence but I know a few healing spe-" he was cut off, "Potter, I am fine. Thank you for asking and being concerned about my well-being but-" he was stopped by the softness of the other mans hands, Harrys hands were holding his own, bloodied hand. Snape stood there quietly, a faint pink on his cheeks as he watched Potter study his hand. "I'm surprised there are no shards stuck into your knuckles and whatnot. How long ago did you do this?" when he got no reply he look up at him confused, "Professor? Are you alright? Do you need to sit down?" Snape snapped out of whatever trance-like state he was in and looked Harry, visibly confused, "Huh?" was all that he said, Harry bursted out laughing, "Seriously, Professor, what has gotten into you?" Snape shook his head rapidly once Harry hd went back to checking on his hand and sighed, "I'm fine, Mr. Potter. Why are you taking your time to concern yourself with me?" Harrys face started to heat up and he turned red, keeping his eyes on his professors hand, "Because believe it or not, you have people that care about you. I'm not whoever you paint me out to be y'know." Snape scoffed, "Right, next you're gonna tell me that you're nothing like your father and that I should get over myself." Harry glared up at him, "Look, I seen and I understand what my father did to you. It was terrible and I hate it but i'm nothing like my father!" Severus just rolled his eyes and pulled his hand away. Snape looked down at the boy for a moment, saying nothing, after a few awkward minutes he finally spoke, "You should go back to bed. I'm fine and fully capable of taking care of myself. I don't need a babysitter." and with that began shoving Harry out of his room.

Hey guys! Sorry this took me so long to finish. Just wanted to let you guys know that after I publish a few more chapters of this story i'm going to be writing another Snarry story!! If any of you are interested just say something about it in the comments :)

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