Chapter 5

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I spent the rest of the time my parents were gone trying to calm my heart down and prepare myself for when they came home. Once they did and visited me in my room, I immediately apologized to them.

"I'm sorry!" I shouted to them. "I was hurting you two by acting spoiled and ignoring you!"

It was silence for a few minutes before I was embraced in two hugs, their warmth surrounding me. 

"It's alright, Soma." my father said. "It's okay."

"We're just glad you're safe." my mother whispered as I felt my shoulder become wet. 

"But I wasn't able to fully save you." I said while burrowing my face in between them.

"You did your best, Soma, and that's what matters." my mother said while patting my head. "Besides, if you didn't push me with you, I might have already died."

'Just like the original Soma's mother.' I thought silently. 

We stayed in the group hug for a while, enjoying the warmth of each other until my father let go with a huge smile on his face. 

"Hey, Soma." he said. "We'll leave tomorrow to visit a friend of mine who can probably help you cook while blind."

"Who?!" I asked excitedly, feeling hope grow inside of me. 

"Secret~" he said with a playful voice. "Now go to sleep because we will leave early."

"Okay, night night!" I told them before my mother helped me go to my bed and wrapping my blanket on me.

"Good night, Soma." the two of them whispered before kissing my forehead as I fell asleep, the fatigue of talking the two idiots and apologizing taking its toll on me.


"Soma." I woke up to someone shaking me weakly as a soft voice echoed in my ears.

"Mhm?" I said, rubbing my eyes as I faced the person who woke me up. 

"Wake up, Soma, it's time to leave." my father said. I blinked drowsily before standing up immediately, accidentally bumping into him. Apparently, he was closer then I anticipated. 

"Sorry!" I said, rubbing my forehead which hit his, assumingly, chin. 

"Hahaha, it's fine." he laughed, ruffling my hair. "I'm going to bring your mother here to help you, okay? Just sit there patiently. 

"Okay." I said with a nod, lying down again on the bed to see if I can fall asleep again. Apparently I could because the next thing I knew, my mother was shaking me. 

"Wake up, Soma." she said with a small laugh. "I knew it was a bad idea to wake you up at four in the morning."

What? Did she just say that Joichiro woke me up at four in the freaking morning? Me, a child who needs sleep to grow? Be prepared, father, the next time you come here, I'll hit you. How dare you interrupt me from my beauty sleep!

As I thought of ways to take revenge on Joichiro, my mother helped me take a bath and clothed me while singing random songs that relaxed me and made me feel guilty at the same time. Sorry, Mom. Here you are helping me and all I can think about is taking revenge on your husband....not really, he deserves it for waking me up so damn early.

"We're done, dear!" my mother called out, interrupting my thoughts which was turning dark.

"Thanks, honey!" I heard my father yell and felt someone carry me up high, causing an involuntary shriek to leave my lips. I heard Joichiro laugh and I immediately put one and one together, making me hit his chest with all my strength. Of course it wasn't painful as I was a puny child but it was the thought that counts which left me satisfied. "We'll be leaving now!"

"Okay, dear. Bye Soma, be a good girl okay?" my mother said as she kissed my forehead. She also kissed my father based on the sound I heard (really? In front of a kid? Sure I'm blind but not deaf). "Stay safe, you two."

"We will, honey. Bye!" my father said as I echoed his words with a wave of my hand. However, just as we were about to leave, my mother gasp.

"Oh, wait, I forgot something. Wait here! Joichiro, come with me" she said before I felt myself lowered to the floor . After a couple of minutes, I heard footsteps (probably Joichiro's) and mother's voice.

"Here."  she tucked something in my ears and I touched it. Glasses?

"Here you go, Soma. It's sunglasses to keep your eyes protected." she said as she patted my head. "Now you two can leave. Take care!"

"Goodbye, Honey." my father said and off we finally went with me in his arms. It was gentle and soft that I unconsciously fell asleep, dreaming of my past life which I couldn't remember what it was about once I woke up.

"We're here, Soma." I heard him say as I was woken up with a shake. As I was about to speak, someone interrupted me.

"Who's this, Saiba-senpai?" it was a feminine voice I vaguely heard before but couldn't remember where. "Your child?"

"Hahaha, yeah." I heard my father say before putting me down and patting my head with me holding unto his hand. "Introduce yourself, Soma."

"Hello." I said with a little bow, curious about who I was talking with. "I am Yukihira Soma, nice to meet you."

"Yukihira?" I heard her ask.

"Yeah." my father replied. "I took my wife's surname."

"Ahh." she hummed. "Well, nice to meet you, Soma-chan! I'm Shiomi Jun, Saiba-senpai's junior when he was in school. How old are you?"

"Ah, I'm seven years old." I answered with a small smile. Suddenly, she grasp my hands and spoke excitedly. 

"You're the same age as my assistant!" she exclaimed cheerfully. "His name is Hayama Akira and..."

I didn't listen to her after that, realization hitting me in the face. How could I be so stupid and not notice who she was?! Shiomi Jun and Hayama Akira were were two people who the original Soma first met when he started attending Totsuki and who became his companions. They even fought against Erina's father until he blackmailed them. Is Joichiro planning on making me cook based on my sense of smell? I mean, it's not impossible because Hayama could do it a little but is it possible to completely rely on it only? I didn't notice that I was too busy thinking until someone grabbed my shoulders and pushed me forwards for a few seconds until we stopped.

"Soma-chan, meet the boy I was talking about, Hayama Akira-kun!" Jun's voice echoed in my ear and I realized that she brought me in front of Hayama. 

Well, damn. 

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