Chapter 17

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Heya~ So, I just realized I was very cruel to leave the last chapter as a cliffhanger and go silent for months...teehee, sorry about that! Life has been having fun killing me slowly with stress and the only story I can write is a reaction one, mostly because it doesn't involve creating plots :( Anyways, I'm (hopefully) back and ready to write again! Let's just hope life doesn't try to screw me harder. 

Warning: Don't take anything seriously here please. 

"Well, well, well, look who we have." I said as I slowly and lazily walked towards the owner of the oily voice. When I got close enough to see his face, I was not surprised, although a bit disappointed, to see the typical side character face with short black hair, dull black eyes, and an arrogant smirk on his lips. Honestly, why is it the extras that usually had the biggest egos in the world? Sad, I climbed the stage with a bored look and stood before him with a small glare, silently daring him to speak more bull. Of course, he couldn't read my expressions and thought I was just pretending to hide my nervousness so he let out a big smirk and began to speak in his irritating voice.

"Hahaha, scared already, Yukihira? Where's your fake bravado when you challenged the class yesterday? Were you expecting no one to challenge you just because Nakiri Alice and her aide were there? Please, you overestimate their fame and ability to protect you." he mockingly said while I blankly stared at him before letting out a yawn which annoyed him. "What? Nothing to say? I knew it, you're a coward, Yikihira Soma. In fact, your application must have been a fluke. After all, no one passed the entrance exam this year. So, tell me, how did you manage to go here? Bribery?"

"Are you finished?" I asked with a disappointed sigh when he unconsciously nod at my question. "Honestly, you expect me to be threatened by your weak words? Heh, you call those trash talking? Please, even a child can do better. It just goes to show that your brain has the maximum capacity of a two year old, maybe even a year old considering that you believed your words were capable of destroying someone's spirit. Want me to show you how to do it? No, I know you want to learn so listen closely and pray to whoever you believe that you won't shatter by my mere words."

"Wha-" I interrupted him before he could even finish, downright mad that I expected something from a mere extra. 

"Now, where to begin? Shall I talk about your appearance? I'm not one to judge but honestly, what moron told you to wear mustard yellow shirt with neon orange pants? It looks horrible on you and make you look like a clown. No, that's insulting to clowns because you look worst. At least clowns wear their outfits to make people laugh. You? You make people want to tear their eyes out and burn it a hundred times before drinking gallons of various detergents in hopes of removing such disgusting memory in their minds. You should really apologize to everyone who saw you where that. They must have been suffering right now. Now, about your about zero. Really? Do you know how many people I've met with the same arrogance and the same 'villain' monologue? What, did you join a cult or group where they share scripts of their evil speeches? How unoriginal. Not only are you an idiot, you're also a copycat? How much more disappointing can you get? Still, I'll give you two points for being brave enough to wear that with confidence. Do you know you-" 

"Now now, Soma-chan, you already broke his mind. Anymore and you'll destroy his soul." a teasing voice said as I looked behind me to see a handsome stranger with long but messy red hair tied into a half ponytail and red eyes gleaming with mirth. 

"Who are you?" I asked, frowning a little at being interrupted when I was just getting started with my words

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"Who are you?" I asked, frowning a little at being interrupted when I was just getting started with my words. "I wasn't finished at all."

"I know~" he said while slowly making his way up the stage. "Still, I can't have him indisposed."

"What do you mean?" I asked although it sounded more like a demand. 

"It means just that." he said. "I came here to watch the shokugeki so I can't have anyone drop out. That would ruin the fun."

With that statement, he kneeled down and helped the oily-voiced guy up on his feet, whispering sweet words to give him courage again. Once the down man became energetic and arrogant again, he left the arena to, as he yelled while leaving, 'change his clothes into something more worthy of such an important event'. 

"...I didn't need to know that." I said after a few moments of awkward silence as the red-haired man and I watched his disappearing figure. 

"Same." the man agreed before turning to face me. "Anyway, I'm Nakagawa Ren, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too." I said. "Why are you here so early, though? The competition doesn't start for three more hours."

"I got nothing to do so I went here while hoping to see drama and I got one!" he cheerfully said while I sweat drop. What the heck? I can't understand this guy at all. 

"You should probably go roam around somewhere." I suggested to him after looking at my phone to see the time. "There's still two hours left."

"Hmm, no need." Ren said with a smile. "I'll just grab a seat and sleep for awhile. I fear that if I leave now, I will forget or have no space to sit later. Many are excited for this shokugeki considering it's the first for this year." 

"I guess so." I agreed, knowing that I would also watch if it was someone else taking my place. It was fun watching people have a cooking battle. 

"I'll go ahead and find a good seat first, then, while you prepare." Ren said when he noticed that both of us don't have anymore topics to talk about. "Bye, Soma-chan, and good luck~"

"Bye." I casually said with a wave before blinking. "Wait, why is he calling me Soma-chan all of a sudden when we just met?"

Knowing that I would receive no answer, I shrugged my shoulders and began to prepare my things for my first shokugeki. Once I was done, I visited my friends again in the watching box and chatted with them until there was only five minutes left and was forced to go down by Erina since, according to her, I can't break any rules even if I am friends with her. 

"What rules is she even talking about?" I grumbled as I walked down the stairs. "There's no such thing."

Sighing to myself at how I had such a strict friend, I finally reach the stage where my fifteen opponents, including the oily-voiced guy who I don't know the name, was standing together with arrogant and proud looks while looking down on me. I stepped in my small cooking area and let a small smirk form in my lips, looking at my opponents with an excited heart as I ignored the announcer.

I can't wait to crush them and teach them what it means to offend someone you shouldn't have. 

After all, I'm not the original Soma who was a saint.

I'm me and I make sure to get my revenge.  

"Let the shokugeki begin!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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