Chapter 2

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The next day, my mother woke me up with a bright smile on her face. 

"Mom?" I said, a little dazed as I just woke up. "Why are you waking me up?"

"We're going to go shopping today!" she said while bringing her hands together in delight. 

"For what?" I asked again with a yawn, stretching a bit to ease my stiff muscles.

"Well, we need more ingredients and I thought that it would be a perfect chance to teach you how to distinguish the good ingredients with the bad/rotten ones!" I nod at her, understanding that it was a necessity for a chef to learn that skill.

"Okay." I said. "Please wait for me, mom, I'll just go to the bathroom first."

"Okay, dear!" she said and headed towards the door. "I'll be downstairs telling Joichiro our plans today."

I just nod a little, showing that I understood, before grabbing some clothes and entering the bathroom, yawning a couple of times.


Fifteen minutes later, I finished preparing and headed down to eat breakfast. When I arrived in the kitchen, I was happy to see our food - bacon, eggs, and rice.

"Bacon!" I couldn't help exclaim, a large smile etching itself on my lips as both my parents laughed. You can't fault me, though, because I used to always eat them for breakfast when I was still on Earth. 

"Yep." my mom said. "So eat your fill because we're going to walk all day!"

"Okay~" I said while grabbing five pieces of bacon, one omelet, and a cup of rice. 

"Do you remember when Soma went on a strike just because we never cooked these before?" Joichiro said in the middle of their breakfast.

"Yes." her mother laughed, remembering that day as I just lowered my head in embarrassment. I remembered that day clearly. I had gone five years without eating my usual food and was about to explode in anger. At first, I thought that it was because it didn't exist so I was able to calm myself by thinking that it was a hopeless cause and I should just make it in the future but when I saw my father's foreign cookbook and saw that it did exist, I couldn't help but feel hopeful. I told them I wanted to eat it because it looked good but they were hesitant because they thought that I would hate it. This went on for days before I finally had enough and locked myself in my room, shouting that I will never leave until they cook bacon and omelet for me .  

"Dad!" I whined. "We promised to never bring it up again!"

"Hahaha, sorry honey, but it is too funny to forget." I didn't say anything but pouted, embarrassed at my younger self. 

'Why did I do such a stupid thing? Come on, Soma, just because you're in a seven year old body doesn't mean that your seven. You died at eighteen, for goodness sake!' I thought before sighing, smiling at the sight of my (new) happy family. Oh well, the past is in the past. I had to look forward to the future and not dwell on it. 

With this in mind, the meal ended with laughter and smiles.


"Bye, dear!" my mother bided father goodbye with a kiss on his cheeks. "We'll be back later."

"Okay." he said while returning the same gesture before hugging Soma. "Don't stay out too late, alright?"

"Okay, Dad!" I replied while hugging him back, giggling in delight when he lifted me up in the air and spun me around. 

We spent a few more minutes to say goodbye (her father in this world was too clingy but she didn't mind it one bit. It just shows how much he loves them.) before finally leaving.

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