Chapter 12

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"Are you ready to enter Totsuki, Soma?" Joichiro asked me as we ate breakfast I made.

"I am!" I told him with a big smile. "I can't wait to see how the others look like!"

That's true. Ever since I came to this world, I never saw their faces and the ones from my memories were too blurry to figure out since it's been so long.

"Just be careful not too become too...touchy, alright?" he said seriously while I blushed in embarrassment at his words.

As humiliating as it sounds, it was true. When I woke up after the tiring surgery, I was met with colors and faces of three people - a man with a lab coat, a woman on a wheelchair, and a man with a vaguely familiar appearance. Not thinking at all as my emotions took control, I grabbed Joichiro's face and start messing it up by pulling here and there before hugging him. After a few minutes, I did the same thing with my mother and the doctor until I had to be stopped since I was going, according to them, overboard.

That was not true.

Not true at all.

....Okay, maybe it was a little true but it wasn't my fault that the doctor had long, shiny hair that made me want to pull it.

See, it was his fault for having that kind of hair, no?

I was totally not refusing to accept my fault.

"Don't worry, Dad, I won't~" I answered with a smile, tilting my head in confusion when he started to murmur weird and borderline dangerous threats. I looked at my mother who was just humming happily, ignoring my father who was glaring at the table and saying things like "hang them with a noodle" and "chop them like chicken" and other things.

Dad, you know that I'm going to a culinary school and not an assassination school, right?


However, seeing him continue like a mad man made me turn to my mother for help. When she noticed, all she did was giggle more.

"Don't worry, Soma, your father just wants his precious princess safe from beasts." she explained while I made an 'oh' face before sweat dropping.

Dad, I'm going to school to learn cooking and take revenge for mom's condition and your sufferings, not to find love. Besides, I doubt I would fall that easily since I never had a lover nor a crush from both lives.

So chill, okay? Your child will not bring a lover home any time soon.

Anyway, I looked at the clock before panicking, hurriedly swallowing all of the food on my plate. It's bad to waste food, alright? My parents noticed this and became curious.

"Why the rush, Soma?" Joichiro asked as my mother handed me water in case I choke.

Don't worry, Mom, I'm used to eating fast since I've always done it before in my past life.

"I have... to rush since... it's almost time for the... entrance exam." I said in between bites but stopped when I heard Joichiro laugh. I looked up from my food and saw that he had his head thrown back while my mom was looking at him in disappointment before sighing.

"So that's why you're dressed up." my mom said before slowly shaking her head. "Your father must have not told you for fun but you aren't participating in it."

"Eh?" I said in shock. "Why?!"

"Because I and Senzaemon-sama decided that you are already good enough to be the top one in the school so doing something like the entrance exam will be a waste of time." he explained and I pouted.

Damn it, I wanted to shock Erina and Hisako and make a big entrance!! I already imagined it:

Inside a large and extravagant kitchen, Erina was scaring the aspiring chefs who wanted to join while Hisako, who was beside her , was busy admiring her boss and glaring at those who were disrespecting said person. However, in the midst of it, the door suddenly opened and all eyes turned on it as a girl confidently entered with a smirk.

"Yo, Erina, Hisako." the girl would call out and the two mentioned people would be in shock before the three reunites with each other happily.

"Plus, we thought it would be more fun if you announce your arrival to everyone else, not just the two." Joichiro said when he noticed my disappointment. "That way, you can scare everyone else."

Oh? Well, if he puts it that way....

"Alright." I nod with a sigh. "I'll stay put until the entrance ceremony which is... two months from now?"

"Yes." Joichiro said. "Since they still need to check all the applicants who pass and all."

I silently sighed, knowing full-well that no one will pass. I actually felt a little pity to those who wanted to enter this year, having Erina, the God's tongue as your proctor will never end well unless you're super skilled. Or have past memories like me but, I don't think anyone else does since the two idiots who sent me here would tell me....probably.

Sigh, still, waiting for two months while pretending that I'm in another country sucks. Fortunately, I have envelopes that shows it was sent from another country but sitting still is going to be hard. Ugh, just come already, two months!!







Finally! Two months of waiting is over and I am now heading over my new school. I already received my uniform from Sanzaemon-sama secretly from a butler of his and am now walking with a huge smile on my face. Dad asked me if he should drive me to school or at least accompany me but I rejected since there is a slim chance, still a chance, something might happen to Mom who won't be able to run away.

After all, even if that man who I'm almost sure caused the accident hasn't done anything for the past few years, there is a possibility that he is planning on striking when our guards are down and I won't let him.

I'll protect my happiness at all cost.

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