18 - The Kiss

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Jiyang: "This looks bad. Should I call an ambulance?"

He takes out his phone and starts dialing but Hao Xuan reaches out to his hand holding the phone and stops him from calling.

Hao Xuan: "Please... don't...."

Of course, he knows why these splitting headaches are happening to him. He knows what's about to happen. He knows that devil is about to come out of him.

Jiyang: "Okay then I won't call. But, do you have your usual medicine or something with you? Where is it?"

Hao Xuan: "Help me... to my bedroom..."

He tried to say it while gridding his teeth to endure the pain. Jiyang helps him up and walks him to his bedroom then lets him down gently on his bed.

Jiyang: "Where's the medicine?"

Hao Xuan points at the drawer where he keeps his medicines. Jiyang takes out the only bottle of medicines from it and puts it in Hao Xuan's hand.

Jiyang: "I will go and bring a glass of water. Just wait a minute."

He runs out to the kitchen. Hao Xuan is left alone sitting up on his bed while trying to catch a breath. That's when his eyes shut down and he went unconscious.

When Jiyang got back to the bedroom, he saw Hao Xuan leaning against the head of the bed with his eyes closed. He got worried.

Jiyang: "Hao Xuan!! Wang Hao Xuan!! Get up!!"

He tries to shake Hao Xuan's shoulder in an attempt to wake him up. But it didn't help. So, he gets up to go and take his phone which was left outside to call an ambulance. And when he was about to leave the room, he heard Hao Xuan's low-pitched moan.

Jiyang turned around and went beside him to attend to him. Hao Xuan's eyes are slowly opening up. Jiyang sits down beside him on the bed with relief.

Jiyang: "Hao Xuan, are you awake now?"

The person whom he's looking at is also staring back at him in a daze.

Jiyang: "I think you become unconscious from the headaches. It must have hurt you so bad. How are you feeling now? Still having headaches?"

(*He must have mistaken me as Wang Hao Xuan.*) Xueyang realized and slowly shake his head in answer.

Jiyang: "Anyway, I think you should take your medicine. Here's the water."

(*Why is Daozhang here with him?? And why did I come out now??*) Xueyang questions himself.

Xueyang takes the medicine that Jiyang handed him with the water, but his eyes are still fixed on Jiyang.

(*Nevermind. I should just enjoy my time while I'm out as Wang Hao Xuan. I should use this opportunity since Daozhang is also here.*) Then he smirked.

But, Jiyang didn't catch his purposeful smirk.

Jiyang: "So, is this normal? I mean your headaches."

Xueyang nodded.

Jiyang: "And are you sure you're okay now?"

Xueyang nodded again. He's afraid that his identity might be revealed once he started talking since he has no idea how close Hao Xuan and Jiyang are.

Jiyang: "Then, I'll let you get some rest. And I should be going also."

As he gets up, Xueyang grabs his hand in a manner that says "please don't go". Jiyang looks down at his hand being grabbed by someone who he's still taking as Hao Xuan then slowly looks into his eyes.

Jiyang sits back down beside him and holds out his hand towards Xueyang's forehead where the little beads of sweat are still hanging. He tries to wipe away those sweat and then started running his fingers through Xueyang's messy hair.

Jiyang: "Hao Xuan, you really should rest."

Xueyang suddenly grabs Jiyang's hand which is still playing with his hair and stopping it.

Jiyang: "Sorry, I'll stop if you don't like me touching your head—"

Xueyang: "Why are you making me go crazy?"

Jiyang: "Huh?!"

With a sudden pull being forced onto his hand, Jiyang's body was also being pulled towards Xueyang. They are staring at each other for a while. Then, Xueyang started going in for a kiss, but this time on his lips.

Jiyang's eyes are still wide open in confusion as his crush landed the soft lips on his. He still cannot process anything. He still doesn't understand what is going on.

On the other hand, Xueyang's eyes are closed shut and trying to invade his way into Jiyang's closed lips with his soft and gentle kisses.

Xueyang used his other hand to grab Jiyang from the waist and pulled him towards himself closer. Now, their bodies are only an inch away from each other.

Jiyang has melted by Xueyang's gentle kisses and slowly gives in by opening up his lips. Xueyang's invasion has succeeded. His kisses have turned from gentle to passionate.

With the heat burning from his passion, Xueyang gets up on his knees while cupping Jiyang's face in his two hands.

Now, Jiyang's head is lifted up while still locked in a burning passionate kiss with Xueyang. Jiyang's eyes are closed now. And his trembling hands are slowly going for Xueyang's hip to grab onto him.

Xueyang is very pleased with his Daozhang's responses and lets out a smile. This time, Jiyang catches his smile and it makes him smile in return as well. And that gives Jiyang the courage to pull his crush closer by grabbing from his hips.

Now, there's no gap in between their two passionate bodies. And none of them wants to stop this thing going on between them.


[A/N: Please kindly forgive my writing if it is inappropriate or is lacking in any way.]


TU Fanfic by

Yamin Ohmar


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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