8 - Conditions

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In Yubin's office, Xueyang is lazily filling up forms.

Xueyang: "But, before I sign with you, I need to tell you that I have 3 conditions."

Yubin: "Okay, sure, say it.."

Xueyang: "No. 1... my real name Wang Hao Xuan. Aside from being written in this contrat, this name cannot be known to anyone. Literally no one can know of this name. Everyone allows to know me as Xueyang only."

Yubin: "Understood. I will keep it secret. Consider it done."

Xueyang: "No. 2... the main reason that I accepted this offer is because of designer Song Jiyang. So, I will only work with him."

Yubin: "Mmm... But, he already has a model assigned to him..."

Xueyang: "fire him"

Yubin: "hmm..?"

Xueyang: "or reassign him, whatever..."

Yubin: "but—"

Xueyang: "Or should I help you? I can make him quit on his own."

He is already thinking of ways to make that model disappears. (*Should I hire some people to beat him up and break a leg or two? Or should I just personally drove him over with my car?*)

Yubin: "It's okay... Relax~ I will try to reassign him to another designer."

Because Yubin really sees the potential in him as a rising model, he didn't want to let him go without even trying.

Xueyang: "No. 3... I have a day job, professional one, very important. So, I need to know the schedules ahead. Because most of the time you won't be able to reach me."

Yubin: "No problem. We always do the planning properly, so it shouldn't be a problem at all."

Xueyang: "In that case, I have no choice but to sign with you guys, right?"

He smiled brightly, with so much hidden intentions that people can never decipher.

Yubin: "Since you are free now, shall I arrange for you to meet your designer Jiyang right away?"

Xueyang: "It's the best."

Yubin dialed a number.

Yubin: "A-Qing... Is Jiyang there? ... Oh I see... It's okay, no problem. I will let him know myself.... yeah, that's all."

He ended the call and turned to Xueyang.

Yubin: "Unfortunately, Jiyang will be late today. How about next day—"

Xueyang: "I'll wait."

Yubin takes him to Jiyang's office.

Because of last night drinking, Jiyang is having hangover and too much headache. He even rushed to work with cab instead of driving himself.

After waiting for about an hour in Jiyang's office, Xueyang finally looks up when the office door swings open.

Jiyang: "I'm so sorry. You must have waited so long."

Xueyang: "Not a problem"

(*After waiting for how many years and how many life times, this one hour is not to be mentioned*)

Jiyang: "Please take a seat."

He gestured him to sit in front of his desk, after he himself went in to sit behind the desk.

Jiyang: "Your name is?"

Xueyang: "Xueyang"

Only now, Jiyang get to take a good look at the boy. (*He is a very stylish, charming and handsome guy. But, wait, why do I find him so familiar?*)

Jiyang: "Did we work together before?"

Xueyang: "no... why?"

Jiyang: (smiling shyly) "Oh, I just find that you looks familiar..."

(*Only finds me familiar? Huh, Xiao Xingchen?*)

Xueyang: (smirk) "May be from previous life..."

Jiyang: "huh?... Oh! Haha... You know how to joke..."

(*Oh no! I'm dead serious!!*)

Jiyang: "Since Yubin himself recommended you, I won't be asking you a lot. Just want to know when you can start working with me and then we can workout some schedules."

Xueyang: "Immediately. Right Now!"

Jiyang: "haha.. I like the enthusiasm." (He chuckles) "But, for today, we don't have anything to shoot and my schedule is quite packed after this. How about tomorrow? Is it good?"

Xueyang: "So good."

Then they make some scheduling for the week. After they're done,

Jiyang: "... then I'll see you tomorrow."

He stands up. Give out his hand to shake. Xueyang took his hand, squeezing firm and tight, but no shaking.

Xueyang: "I'm really so gald to meet you again, Daozhang!" (Smirks)

Jiyang: "huh?"

Since he is a designer, the most people call him was Laoshi (teacher), never Daozhang. (*I'm not a taoist or a monk. From which mountain did he come down from?*)

But, somehow, Jiyang finds that word very familiar at the same time. (*That's strange~*)

(*And if we haven't worked together before, why did he say "again"? Have we met before?*)

Before he could ask anything or before he could choose a question out of many questions he is having now to ask, Xueyang has far gone, left him in confusion.


TU Fanfic by
Yamin Ohmar

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