13 - Are You Taken?

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<< 3 years agoContinue >>

After everyone went back, Jiyang and Bo Wen were left to face the party's aftermath, the cleaning.

After cleaning a bit, A-Wen said "Good night" to Jiyang and went into his own bedroom. Jiyang was left alone feeling uneasy.

He hesitated but then went after A-Wen to his room.

Bo Wen: "Why are you inside my — ?"

Before he can finish his sentence, Jiyang went in to give a peck on A-Wen's cheek. A-Wen was stunned by his actions.

Jiyang: "I can only respond to your kiss from just now, I'm sorry that I cannot respond — No, I need to be clear. I'm sorry that I cannot reciprocate your feelings. A-Wen, please forgive me."

Bo Wen: "A-Song..."

Jiyang: "You know I'll do anything for you, right? I love you as one of my best friends. But, the love that you expressed to me just now... I, myself, even don't know what is that, yet."

A-Wen feels bad seeing Jiyang trying to apologize to him, looking guilty. He didn't confess to see his best friend Jiyang looking guilty. No.

A-Wen stroke Jiyang's arm gently to console him. He told him that they can still be friends, best friends, without having to feel awkward with each other.

No matter how painful it was for him to get Jiyang's rejection, he was more afraid of Jiyang leaving him. So he said,

Bo Wen: "I cannot see you being like that towards me. I think I'm probably like you too. I must have mistaken the love of our friendship as something else. You know me. I'm not interested in guys. Maybe, I was feeling down these days and become confused."

Jiyang is nodding along but he wasn't buying A-Wen's excuses. Therefore, in the following days, their interactions became cold and not as open as before anymore.

A-Wen also noticed that and since he cannot let their friendship end, he took action by being in a relationship with a girl in just a few month's time.

He showed Jiyang how happy he is with his new girlfriend. And gradually, their friendship went back to normal. Only after some time, he ended things with the girl and went back to his single life.


<< Current Day >>

After getting his USB drive from Jiyang, Bo Wen said goodbye to him and left Jiyang and Wang Hao Xuan to continue their conversation.

Hao Xuan is asking about Jiyang's profession and finds himself being interested in Jiyang's stories. Even though he had finished having his meals, Hao Xuan waited for Jiyang, who is still eating. Jiyang is actually enjoying the moment. It's not every day that he got to talk with his crush for more than half an hour.

When Jiyang asks back about Hao Xuan's career and such, he gets to know that Hao Xuan is not only working at this university but also got his Master's Degree from this university as well. Then Jiyang recalled something.

Jiyang: "My little cousin is also from a science major. He is currently looking through some universities to go for Masterclasses."

Hao Xuan: "I see. Has he been graduated for a while?"

Jiyang: "I guess about 2 years now..."

Hao Xuan: "Your cousin and I might be of the same age."

Then, Hao Xuan starts recommending this university for Jiyang's cousin and saying that he can help out if anything. Jiyang thanks him and just in case if he or his cousin needed help, he asks for Hao Xuan's handphone number. Actually, that's what he's been wanting.

They said goodbye after exchanging their numbers.


As he had informed before, Xueyang came back on a Saturday morning. He found that Hao Xuan had bought a new phone for him. He powers up and sees that all the photos he took of Jiyang are also inside his new phone. He smiles delightfully and then leaves the house for work.

A-Qing is doing makeup on him because they got a photo shooting schedule today. Xueyang can't take his eyes off Jiyang, who is on the other side of the room, checking the clothes which will be shooting for today. A-Qing left the room while Xueyang was changing, so when he comes out, only he and Jiyang are left alone.

Xueyang: "How do I look?"

Jiyang looks up as he heard Xueyang's voice.

Jiyang: "Oh, you've changed. So fast. Let me see."

He walks towards Xueyang to take a good look of his work on him.

Jiyang: "Perfect... it suits you well..."

He commented but still take a look at the sleeves.

Jiyang: "But wait! the sleeves need a little bit of adjustment. If you don't mind..."

He takes some safety pins out of his pocket and starts to do some adjustments on Xueyang. While he was so focused on his work, Xueyang suddenly popped the question.

Xueyang: "Say, are you in a relationship, daozhang?"



Jiyang: "ahh!!"

The needle on his right hand poked his left finger. Xueyang frowned with worries and immediately grabbed Jiyang's hand to see.

Then, to Jiyang's surprise, Xueyang lifts Jiyang's bleeding finger to his own mouth and starts sucking out the blood for Jiyang, while keeping the eye contact with Jiyang who is still looking at him with eyes wide.

When the blood-sucking moment is over, Xueyang gently put down Jiyang's hand and shows him a smile.

Xueyang: "Daozhang, you need to be careful. You can't always go jumping scared like a little lamb. It's cute but you could get hurt, seriously." (*smirk*)

Jiyang: "huh..."

This boy never fails to make Jiyang goes speechless. Every single time.


TU Fanfic by
Yamin Ohmar

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