5 - Who Are You?!

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Today is Thursday.

Hao Xuan has arrived at the location together with the colleagues from his department. This is a BBQ shop located in a noisy street. Hao Xuan is sitting at one end of the long table and started to barbeque alone.

Just a while later, staffs from literature department come in and sit at the other end of the table. He was just looking over at them, when he notice a slender guy with fair complexion.

(*huh!! He also came?*)

He thinks to himself with a frown on his forehead. He becomes worrisome and his mind a bit disturbed.

Song Jiyang is saying hello to people around him. Then, when he turns to the side, he saw a guy in specs wearing a yellow cardigan sweater is looking at him sullenly.

No matter what, the fact that his crush is now looking at him makes Jiyang's heart flatters and he blushes till the tips of his ears become red.

This time, the person who shifted the eye contact first is Hao Xuan. As he had expected, he started to feel the splitting headache.

Poor Jiyang. After having eye contacts with his crush, his mind went to LaLaLand and starts pulling chairs with other people belongings on them clumsily. His best friend Li Bo Wen is just beside him, sighing and shaking his head looking at this situation.

After they all got settled down, two department heads, Liu Hai Kuan (the science department head) and Zhu Zan Jin (the literature department head), came into the shop, talking and laughing just between the two of them. Because these two are so close with each other, they also combined their departments' welcome dinner.

Hai Kuan: "So, all of you are here now!"

He saw Hao Xuan and was shocked.

Hai Kuan: "Wang Hao Xuan, you are here too? I didn't think you would actually come. Haha. Now I know what should I be using as leverage to you."

Hao Xuan looking at him still sullen, while Jiyang is smiling in secret. At least now he know what his crush name is.

Zan Jin, who is beside Hai Kuan, turns to the new face Song Jiyang and asks in a most polite and friendly manner, one can possibly think of.

Zan Jin: "May I know who is this handsome brother?"

Jiyang blushed again. Bo Wen, who has started to make some BBQ, introduces him.

Bo Wen: "Oh Sorry! He is my friend, the fashion designer that I told you all before."

Zan Jin: "Ah! Is it him? Very nice to meet you"

(*So, he is not one of the university staffs*) Hao Xuan, who has been listening to their conversations, realizes.

Jiyang: "Hello! My name is Song Jiyang. Nice to meet you too."

(*Wait! What? He is not Xiao XingChen?? If he is not Xiao XingChen, who is the one Xueyang has been talking about??*)

Hao Xuan is really confused right now.

After the two department heads sat down side by side, they started the welcome session.

Hao Xuan has been suffering the headache this whole time. While enduring it, he keeps observing Song Jiyang from afar. He noticed that he is quite popular among the girls.

(*Who are you, really?*)

Without the need to look straight at his direction, Jiyang notices the eyes on him. Actually, it's more of a feeling. He can sense that Hao Xuan is looking at him. And this makes him keep smiling overly without any reason.

Meanwhile, Hao Xuan's splitting headaches keep getting severe and severe until he cannot take it anymore. He picks up his bag and left the table when no one notices.

Jiyang normally couldn't hold the liquor. But, out of respect and due to his nature of difficult to say no, he kept drinking down the alcohol, poured by his lady fans. When he glanced over at Hao Xuan's direction because he felt somewhat empty, he found that Hao Xuan was no longer there at his seat.

At the nearest restroom, Hao Xuan is leaning onto the sink, trying to keep his balance. At this rate, he could collapse in any minute now. He popped the pills that he brought with him for emergency. But, they're not working. His visions become blurry. He cannot even see himself clearly in the mirror in front.

"Let it go, don't try too hard to hold up..."

With the dragging voice of Xueyang in his head, Wang Hao Xuan lost his conscious, head dropping down.


TU Fanfic by
Yamin Ohmar

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