11 - Hello Again

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Jiyang: "oh my god... sorry, I wasn't looking..."

It looks like the one in front of him loses his glasses as he bumped into that person. Jiyang goes and picks up that flying glasses first, he didn't even realize that the USB stick he was holding also did fly off too.

Only when he handed over the glasses to the person, then he saw who he had bumped into.

Jiyang: "Xueyang?.."

The other person received the glasses from him while holding up his messy hair with the other hand. That's when Jiyang sees him as Xueyang, without glasses and hair up.

(*Shit!*) Wang Hao Xuan realized himself (*He must have noticed!!*)

And some more, today Hao Xuan didn't wear his white lab coat when he came down for lunch because he came straight from a meeting which doesn't require him to wear a lab coat.

Hoa Xuan handed Jiyang, who is still in a daze, the USB stick that he picked up just now. Hao Xuan pretended to not have heard the name, Xueyang, that Jiyang called him.

Hao Xuan: "Here, the USB stick that you have dropped."

Jiyang receives. (*Cannot be. Xueyang is not that polite. And he always calls me Daozhang every chance he got.*) He is looking at the other person wearing his glasses. The hair is already falling softly on his forehead. (*Right. This is my crush Wang Hao Xuan. But why do they look exactly the same?!!*)

While he was lost in his thoughts Hao Xuan has already left him there. Jiyang turns his head to look Hao Xuan and thinking to call him... (*but then what should I be saying?*)

He just climbs up the stairs to go to his friend Li Bo Wen's office. But his mind still lingers over to his crush and he again bumped into another person at the corner of a corridor leading to his friend's office.

Jiyang: "Oh my god.. I'm so sorry"

But this time, nothing dropped. When he looked at the person in front, Jiyang found him looking at him with a friendly smile. This is Literature Department Head, Zhu Zan Jin, in another word, his friend's boss.

Zan Jin: "Isn't this A-Wen's friend, Song Jiyang Didi?"

Jiyang: "Yes I am, Zhu Ge. Sorry, I was lost in thoughts just now. Did I hurt you?"

Zan Jin: "No No. I'm alright. Are you here for A-Wen?"

Jiyang: "Yes, is he here in the office?"

Zan Jin: "I think he's still in the meeting."

Jiyang: "Then, can I wait for him at his desk?"

Zan Jin: "Sure, ofcuz. Please stay. Sorry that I can't company you since I have a meeting to attend."

Jiyang: "No problem Zhu Ge, please go ahead."

He went inside their office and waits for his friend in front of his desk. But, it was not even 5 minutes yet, when he decided to leaves the office. He messaged A-Wen to look for him in the canteen after his meeting.

When he arrived at the school canteen, he looked around in the crowd in search for the guy who he had bumped into earlier for the first time today. Found him. He is sitting alone at the same place when Jiyang first saw him the other week. Jiyang went to a food stall and ordered quickly.

Holding the tray he just got with his lunch on it, he walks over to that guy. He has thrown away his shyness and now he is in front of the guy he has been crushing on the past weeks.

Jiyang: "Can I sit here?"

Hao Xuan looks up. Then he slowly nodded. He is observing Jiyang putting down the tray and sits in front of him. When the two pair of eyes met, Jiyang gives him a warm smile. But, Hao Xuan is still being timid.

Jiyang: "I'm the one who just bumped into you."

He said that thinking the guy in front is still confused with who he is. But, Hao Xuan nodded in acknowledgment.

Jiyang: "I think we also have met the other week at the welcome dinner."

Hao Xuan nodded in agreement again.

Jiyang: "Haha. Are you just going to be nodding?"

He teased Hao Xuan.

Hao Xuan: "Oh sorry. Are you visiting your friend today?"

Jiyang smiled with much delight.

(*Not bad. He noticed that I'm not a staff here and came together with a friend that day.*)

Jiyang: "Yeah. Got stuff to pass to him"

Hao Xuan: "Oh I see. Is the food not okay?"

He asked because Jiyang hasn't touch his food at all yet.

Jiyang: "Oh no no. Haha" (He laughed softly)

He started digging in. Actually, he came here wanting to clear one doubt that has been bugging in his mind since he mistaken him as "Xueyang". But on second thought, he realized it is not polite to ask a person who he just met. And somemore, he doesn't want to get eyecrossed by his crush. So he decided not to ask.

Hao Xuan initially wanted to stay clear of that guy, Song Jiyang. But, since after he have waken up this morning, he wanted to know more about Song Jiyang and wanted to find out the relationship between that guy and Xueyang. Seeing how Xueyang treasure that guy, he thinks that he, himself and that guy might have some connection in the past.

Therefore, now he is being interested in who that guys is and actively kept asking about him during the time he got despite of his timid nature.

There is a person looking over at them talking. That is Li Bo Wen, who came to find A-Song after getting his message.

(*I'm okay as long as you are happy, A-Song*)


TU Fanfic by
Yamin Ohmar

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