6 - Rule No. 1

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At the restroom near the BBQ shop.

Xueyang lifts his head up slowly. He saw the image of Wang Hao Xuan in the mirror in front, staring back at him. He smiles, satisfied.

"Hao Xuan ah... Hao Xuan... You can't make me hidden for the rest of your life, can you? Haha!"

Xueyang takes off the yellow cardigan sweater that Wang Hao Xuan has been wearing, only left with white t-shirt underneath.

"What a taste! He looks like a little grandpa. Tsk Tsk..."

He takes off the glasses too. Looking in the mirror, he lifts up the hair falling down on his forehead and styles it. This is the look of a bad boy Xueyang, not Wang Hao Xuan.

He couldn't stand the innocent look of Wang Hao Xuan. He still looking at himself in the mirror as much as he wanted. It has been so long since last time he was out. Then, he wears a smirk, his own trademark, on his face.

Until they can get rid of each other, they have to keep sharing this one body. So, they made some rules along the way for them to co-exist.

Rule no. 1:
You are you. And I am me.
You are Xueyang. I am Wang Hao Xuan.
People can never know that you are me and I am you.

"Now! Where should I start finding the person, who has called me out? Where are you Xiao Xingchen?"

While talking to himself, he came out of the restroom. And what a luck, he saw a person coming to his direction, walking in a very unsteady manner, swaying from side to side. That is a drunken Song Jiyang. Xueyang crosses his arms and looking at him, smiling brightly.

Jiyang came out because he couldn't hold the liquor anymore. Now, he is in a state where he couldn't recognize anyone anymore. He came this way warily because he really wanted to puke.

Xueyang: "eh.. eh.."

He comes in and catches Jiyang when the latter was about to fall down before even reaching the restroom entrance.

Xueyang: "Be careful Daozhang. Why are you throwing yourself at me as soon as we meet again?" (*smirk*)

 Why are you throwing yourself at me as soon as we meet again?" (*smirk*)

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Jiyang: "..huh..??"

He is so drunk that he couldn't understand a word that the other person was saying. He hold onto the guy in front to keep himself balanced on the ground. He suddenly tighten his grid on Xueyang's arm as he was nearly throwing up.

Xueyang: "Whoa! Hold it! I'll take you inside. Just hold it in for a sec, will ya?!"

He hurried inside, finds an empty toilet and pushed open the door, while supporting Jiyang with another hand. He placed Jiyang's face near the toilet bowl and said...

"Barf as you like, daozhang.."

Standing behind him, Xueyang with his arms crossed, watches him throws up. Jiyang keeps going at it, kneeling down in front of the toilet bowl.

Xueyang eyes moved on to the wallet coming out of Jiyang's back pocket. He leaned in to take it out, unnoticed.

He's examining Jiyang's IC card.

"So, your name is Song Jiyang. Alright!"

Exploring the wallet, he found Jiyang's business card.

"Bingo! This is for me, ya? I'll keep it well!"

So now, he got to know Jiyang's name, professional, company address and phone no. He is quite satisfied with his progress.

He puts the wallet back in the back pocket, then squats down behind Jiyang to give his back some gentle massage because Jiyang sounds like he was choking on his own vomit.

"Xiao Xingchen... Why did you drink a lot when you cannot hold the liquor? Seeing you throwing up like this, makes me want to puke too, really!!"

After a moment, Jiyang finished throwing up and sat down on the toilet floor, leaning his back against the toilet wall. His eyes are still closed shut.

Xueyang left out a sigh.

"Do you know that you are really a mess right now?"

He tears some toilet tissues from beside and starts to wipe away the stains on the corners of Jiyang's lips, carefully.

Because of the rough sensation of toilet paper on his face, Jiyang gradually opens his eyes. The hand near Jiyang's lips stopped moving altogether as well.

(*Will he be able to recognize me?!*)

With half the fear, half the excitement, Xueyang heart started to beat so fast.


TU Fanfic by
Yamin Ohmar

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