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July, 2020.

Note: Let's pretend the pandemic has reduced significantly in a very squashed time frame.

Having a baby while a pandemic that took the year 2020 still plagued the world, was no easy feat on Heather. Pregnancy had always scared her, especially before her twelve week mark. The amount of things that could go wrong, unsettled her greatly.

The bliss she felt at being pregnant and becoming a mother to two was quickly dashed when everything shut down in March 2020.

Unsurprisingly, Jake had been her voice of reason for everything. He suppressed his own worry and didn't protest when Heather decided a home birth was what she wanted.

He had gotten the best midwife and assistant nurse he could find, to be on hand for his wife. And when it happened, surprisingly they were both strangely calm when their son entered the world kicking and screaming.

"This is..." Heather started, standing with her husband in the kitchen of their rental villa, "strange. Why's she so quiet?"

Jake shrugged, sipping on his coffee, hugging Heather to his side. She rolled her eyes, lying her head on his shoulder.

"I don't know. It's seven am, we're about to go to Disney and she's not even moving from her room," Jake mumbled, knowing he and his brother never would've slept in if something that exciting was happening.

It had taken some convincing from Heather to take the trip. Jake was still nervous about the pandemic, which she couldn't blame, but it had reduced significantly since the vaccines started rolling out.

Their first trip as a family of four was to Walt Disney World, Orlando. Somewhere Jake and Heather had fond memories of as children and somewhere Juliet had never been.

Heather pulled away from him, heading down the hall to the bedrooms. Both Juliet's bedroom door and their bedroom door were wide open.

Arching an eyebrow as Jake joined her, she headed for their bedroom, peeking in the door. Heather came to a stop, Jake slamming into her back as they stood there watching Juliet looking at her brother in the crib.

His eyes were wide open, watching his sister as she spoke to him quietly.

"And we can meet Mickey, and Minnie and all the other characters," she gushed, smiling down at her brother, "I want to meet Belle the most!"

Heather groaned inaudibly at the tears building in her eyes while she watched the two of them.

"I love them," she whispered, leaning back against her husband who wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back to his chest.

Heather was going back to work after their vacation and Jake knew she was starting to feel a little lost at the fact that she wouldn't be around the kids all day everyday.

"I'd be worried if you didn't," He chuckled, kissing her cheek before stepping around his wife and stepping into the bedroom, "Hey little bug, ready to go?"

Jake smiled sitting beside his daughter who sat up, moving to Jake's lap and planting herself there.

"Will AJ be okay in the sun? Is it too hot?" She fussed, looking at Jake and Heather. The mother of two laughed softly, leaning down and picking AJ up.

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