A Dream(or should I say Dreams) Come True - Chapter 4

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New chapter...

I didn't get what I wanted but what i got was enough...so New Chapter..

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A Dream(or should I say Dreams) Come True

Chapter 4


"For your information," he said."I survived the  last 17 years cause I didn't know you then. But now that I do, it's going to be almost impossible to survive without you,Alex. I may not have known you for a long time but I know that I will never be able to forget you even if I want to, which will never happen. Do you want to know why? Well, it's because, Alex, I am in lo..."

" Hey , we are  back. Miss us?" asked Sabz.

Perfect timing...being sarcastic,

My heart was beating really fast when David was talking especially when he was about to tell me why...but he can't now! Couldn't Sabz and amy have caome a minute later or even after 10 seconds..Ughhhhhhhhh.

"What's wrong?'' Amy asked looking at me.

"Nothing" I replied."Who wouldn't miss you guys".

"Aww, so sweet", said Amy."There you go", she said handing me what looked like the entire bookshop.

Seriously, I must remeber to never send Amy to get me something, she will bring the whole lot.


"No problems". said Sabz.

"So. what did we miss?" asked Amy.

"Nothing". David and I answered at the same time.


"I am really going to miss you guys", I said.

"We are also goign to miss you a lot, Alex", David said.

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh.....I need to know what he was going to tell me. It keeps bugging me..maybe I can coax it out him. No, that would be mean now. Maybe I can talk to him and ask him, but not infront of these two. They like to blow things out of proportion, Maybe, just maybe before I ca....

"Earth to Alex, again" said Amy.

"Huh...yes. Sorry"

"You keep getting lost today. What's wrong?", asked Sabz.


"I was saying it's a pity that you have to go. Can't you, like I don't know, stay here and not go back?" asked Amy.

"I don't reall..." I started to say but some rude person, who's also hot mind you, likes to cut me off whenever I talk, just like right now.

"No. She doesn't really have to go, but she chooses to". he said with a bitter face.

Woah! What's up with him with me going?

"Really! Is that true? That you don't have to go but you want to?" asked Sabz.

" I don't really know but I also want to stay but I...", again I was cut off. They like to cut me off.So rude.

"Then stay. Don't go, please. We  are not that bad", said Sabz..

"Me going back has nothing to do with you guys being a little I don't know ....psycho.It's just that it doesn't fell like home here.", I said hoping they got what I said.

"So , you don't like it here." said Amy.

"No, it's not that, I like it here but it's just not right...it's hard to explain" I said.

"What she's trying to say is that it will be completely new for her. It won't be like her home. She will miss everything and she'd not ready for a change right now", David said.

"Yeah, that's right", I said wonderinr how he knew that and was able to put it in words for me. I didn't even think that he paid attention to me..but well now I really don't know.

"Well. that's..I don't know what to say, but we are going to miss you", said Sabz.

"Me to...."before I was cut off again. But by my mom this time..

"Alex! Are you done? We need to go."

"Yeah, kind of. I am coming."

"I guess this is bye after all", said Amy.

"Yeah, I guess. But I am hoping to see you guys again....and I am going to miss you all", I said giving Amy and Sabz a hug.

"And you too, David. I am also going to miss you", I said giving him a hug...OH! How I wish I didn't have to let go...I wish I could just stay in his arms forever..I wouldn't mind.

BUT alas this is reality.

"Bye, guys" I said before turning and walking away into the crowd......

But as usual before I could walk more than 1o steps someone comes and grabs my hand from the back...

"What the he....? David?" I said looking at him.

Now what?

I hope he's goign to tell me what he was telling me before we gor interrupted...

But  as I looked up to him, I saw him leaning forward....

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .......................................



I know it's not that good of a chapter.

But still tell me what you think?

I willl appreciate whatever you tell me.

And I know I haven't properly introduced all the characters to you but I will in Chapter 6 or 7...so un til then I am sorry...




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