A Dream(or should I say Dreams) Come True- Chapter 2

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Hey!! Sorry about the delay.....next chappie!!1


A Dream(or should I say Dreams) Come True

Chapter 2


I couldn't believe it! David is here and I thought I would never see him again......silly me! I should have known Amy and Sabz would surely do something.....need to remember to thank them!

I could see him walking towards us...even through the mass of people he stood out just like the first time I saw him. I remember that day clearly even now.............OKAY! later...I will give the flashback later.Now's not the time cause David's here....hehe.....I sound like someone who's obsessed with a superstar/celebrity! Serio........

'Hey, guys and Alex' said David.


'You look surprised to see me"

'Cause I am, I didn't even know that you knew that I was going let alone coming to the airport! Sabz and Amy didn't tell me that you were coming....It actually came more like a shock than a surprise when I saw you here'

 "Must have..just like how it came as a shock for me when Sabz phoned me today,or to be precise 3 hours ago and said that you ae leaving today. I didn't even know when you were leaving. I had thought that you would atleast tell me when you go, after all we had spent the last few weeks together.....but I guess you don't consider me as a friend..and you didn't tell me cause you don't want me to be here, you know you could have just told me that...and I wouldn't have bothered you. So I am sorry to even have come here and bothered you with my ugly face...I will just go now and then you will never see me again....so yeah! Bye!" he said angrily and started walking away.

How could he say that? Doesn't he know what he means to me and how much I tried so that he could know and I could see him at least one last time?And now.......?I need to talk to him and tell him.......

"David" I said grabbing his hand before he could go farther and pulling him back to me. "David, how can you say all that abo......."

"Alex" my mom called. "Hurry up! we need to go."  Great she had to call me now. She's still talking to her friends and she's calling me...

"Just a few more minutes, please mom" I said.

"Okay, but make it fast"

"OK. Where w...."I said before I got interrupted by Amy.

"Alex, did you get something to read on your long flight back?" she asked.

"What?.... No, I didn't." I said wondering why she'd bringing it up now cause I remember I told her I will buy something before I board...so.

"Why don't Sabz and I go and get something for you? It will save you time" she asked.

Oh.. so that's her plan...she wants to leave me alone with David!Seriously but I owe them..

" Sure, I don't mind"

"We will be back jjust now" said Sabz before walking away with Amy.

I turned to David....I realised I am still holding hand..I let go of it immediately. As soon as I did he looked at me and then at his hand and then back at me and then was about to say something but stopped....

well, so I guess it's my turn to talk...I can see he's calmed down from his anger...


Sooooooooooo tell me what you guys think.....

Vote and comment and fan please....pretty please with a cherry on top:)


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