A Dream(or should I say Dreams) Come True - Chapter 5

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I know I never upload in a long time but I am sorry but I had tests and a whole lot of other stuff.

Any ways here's the new chapter.

And Thanks so much to IronicSadist for making me a TRULY AWESOME cover.




A Dream(or should I say Dreams) Come True

Chapter 5


I am sitting in the plane right now listening to my ipod, even though I have no idea what I am listening to. My mind is distracted by what happened just before I left. It keeps playing that scene again and again....

Wait! I guess I still need to tell you guys what happened, but that will have to wait because I just realised I never introduce myself. You must be wondering who's this crazy chick going on about what's happening when we don't even know who she is. So flashback later, introduction first.

So I guess I should start with my name. Just to get it clear I am not really good at introductions and I am guessing you already know that.

So anywho, I am Alexia Norton. I am 15 and I stay in Oiwa. I am currently on a flight back to California. I was on an unexpected hoilday. Unexpexted because 3 weeks ago when I come home from school I see my mom packing and telling me to pack because we are going to South Africa for a few weeks.

When I ask her why? She tells me because she needs a break and because she wants to visit her family.

Oh, yeah! Did I mention I am part Indian. My mom's an Indian and my dad's a white. They both net each other in college and fell in love and got married.The usual stuff that happens with people.

And why did I have to go with her?

Well. it's because I have never met her family (kind of true, I have only met my mom's parents), and because she can't leave me alone for a few weeks (my dad was on a business trip).

And when I asked her what about my school? She says it's ok and she has alredy informed them that we are leaving tonight.

I didn't even get to tell my friends about this and when I get back I am going to be in big trouble...

But In the end, I am glad that she brought me with me her because I would never have met Sabz. Amy and David. I would have missed out on meeting some of the most amazing people in the world...

I have no idea on what more to tell you guys (see what I mean about me and Introductions), so I guess I should tell you all what happened back there...




As I looked up to him to him and was about o him ask him what he wants, I could see him leaning forward and the next thing I knew I could feel his lips on mine. It was nothing like I expected my first kiss to be, in fact it was much more and much better. His kiss was slow and soft and full of passion and suddenly I found myself responding to his kiss...

After a few more seconds he slowly pulled away and I stood there waiting for the fireworks to erupt inside me and everything else that happens after the person you love kisses you.. but the only thing I heard was a faint  whisper of the wind somewhere in the distance...

I didn't think anything about that because well, the airport was crowded and you wouldn't be able to even hear a bomb in this place if it exploded (but I guess I was just trying to tell myself that nothing was wrong) and truly nothing was wrong . I loved David and now I know that at least  he likes me back if not love me and I really don't care about all the stuff that happens in movies and books when the person you love kisses you because that's not real life, it's a fantasy world.

I now turned my attention back to David who was saying something..

"I am sorry, Alex. But I just had to do it. This was my last chance and I didn't know when I would see you again , so I just had to. I am sorry if you are mad but I had to tell you , or more like show you what you mean to me and my feelings for you. I .."

"David. " I said cutting him off. He was going on like he did a huge crime. "It's okay. In fact to tell you the truth, I am glad that you kissed me. I would ne.."

"You are glad?!" He asked cutting me of.

"Yes," I answered. "I am glad David that you kissed me because I would never have had the courage to let you know how I feel about you so yes I am glad."

"So...wait! You also like me back?" David asked.

Oh God! What is wrong with this boy? Doesn't he listen to what Is say?

"David! What did I just say? Do I speak Greek that you don't understand? I just said I liek you and you are asking me if I like you?"

"Well, I am sorry," he said. "It just came as a shock to know that you like me back."

"It's okay, I guess" I said.

An awkward silence fell between us after that. I guess we both didn't know what to say after what happened.

"I don.." I started.

"Do yo..." he also said at the same time.

" You first, " we both said at the same time again.

"Okay." I said. " I just wanted to know how are w..."  As usual I was cut of again.

" Alex, we need to go. Our flight's on time," my mom said coming over by us.

"Well, I guess that's my cue," I said turning to David.

" Yeah, well. I guess you have to go. I am really going to miss you Alex and I hope I get to see you real soon or I don't know what I will do." he said with a sad smile on his face.

"Me too. i am also going to miss you" I said.

"Alexia and David if you guys are done saying bye, we really need to go." my mom said,

" Yeah, sure, Bye Alex" David said.

"Bye." I said giving him a hug before turning and walking away.

Again someone pulled me back and this time I knew who it was.\

"Yes, David"

" I just want to tell you that you do not speak Greek and I love you" he said and quickly gave me a peck on my lips before turning and walking away.


End of Flashback


Well, that's all happened back there. I  had my first kiss and I found out that the guy I love loves me back and right now I am the happiest girl in the world and the only thing that could make my this moment perfect would be David sitting here right next to me....


So what do you guys think?

Please tell.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2011 ⏰

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