Tight blouse

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Since this book hit 85K I'm
going to be editing it once again (checking for spelling errors blah blah) enjoy reading <3

Ashlyn's POV





I exhaustedly turned my head to the left and reached under my pillow to grab my phone, pulling it out I checked the time.


"God damn it." I groaned.

I dramatically rolled back and forth in my bed until I may or may not have fallen off and abruptly hit the ground.

I muttered a string of curse words as I pushed myself off the floor. I was already late for work meaning I'll have to get ready quickly.

Lazily I dragged myself into the bathroom and decided that today I would put my hair into a slick back bun at the nape of my neck. After that I began brushing my teeth and then washing my face.

Once I was finished in the bathroom I went back into my room and put on my uniform, along with my watch. My uniform consisted of a white button-up blouse, high-waisted black jeans, my money pouch and some plain white sneakers.

I've gotten into a habit of rolling my sleeves up to my elbows as well as undoing at least the top two buttons on my shirt since it looks weird buttoned all the way up.

Don't judge me.

I had to grab a smaller shirt today, sadly all my others were in the wash. It was a bit tight around the chest area but I didn't really mind.

Once I was done changing and fully situating myself for work I went over to my bed and picked up my phone.


I slid my phone into my back pocket, walked into the kitchen and grabbed my keys as I made my way out the door.

Twenty minutes later...

My drive was silent and boring as always. Others might find driving alone peaceful this early in the morning but to me.. it's very boring.

I finally got to work around 10:15.

After I parked I grabbed my keys, phone, wallet and my notepad before heading inside.

It wasn't as busy as I had anticipated, thank goodness or else my boss would have gotten mad at me again.

She's a lonely, old, grumpy woman. So honestly I shouldn't expect much less from her.

"Ashlyn get back here now!"

That was my coworker Jessie yelling for me. We're friends at work I suppose but we don't hang out outside of that. She's really nice but also very loud and obnoxious at times.

"Hey sorry I'm late." I told her as I entered the kitchen.

"That's what you said last time and the time before that." She sassed, placing her hands on her hips as she looked at me with an annoyed expression.

I muttered, "Didn't hear my alarm." Not expecting her to hear me.

"Sure you didn't. Just get to work so Big Bertha doesn't get mad."

I stood still and listened to Jessie for a few moments before rolling my eyes and walking to the front of the cafe.

Big Bertha is my boss, it's a nickname we have for her.

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