Day five

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Tom's POV

I didn't get much sleep last night and apparently neither did Ashlyn, we were both in the kitchen really early today. It's probably around seven, who's up at this time?

Ignoring the fact that I'm exhausted I grabbed Ashlyn a bottle of water and her meds, placing them in front of her.

Every time I see her is pretty much the same, I give Ashlyn her meds with a water, ask her something which she doesn't respond to. Then I tell her she can leave if she wants and she does.

That's exactly what happened today, "Did you get some sleep?" Silence.

"Ash you don't have to wait for me to ask you if your uncomfortable to leave." She got up and left.

I sighed running my hand through my hair, my phone pinged like it does every other day. It was no other then Harry once again.

Harry: Sent a video.
Harry: There you go mate, also the therapist should be there before dinner.

Oh yea, the therapist. I told Harry to find someone that Ashlyn might be comfortable opening up to since I'm not getting very far and I just want her to be okay.

I walked into the living room, sat on a chair near the fireplace and put my headphones in.

This video started showing off a barrel filled with water in the centre of a dark room, a few dim lightbulbs around were the only source of light.

A door off to the side opened and in came two men holding onto Ashlyn as another followed behind. The last man to enter the room was Charlie.

She didn't have on her clothes, her hands where chained behind her back. Charlie was stood across from Ashlyn on the other side of the barrel.

The two men held her arms up to keep her standing, "We'll start with some simple questions."

"What's the name of Tom's gang?" Charlie asked crossing his arms, he cleared his throat.

"Dunk her." One man snaked his arm around the back of Ashlyn's head and gripped her hair, forcing it into the water. She shook her head trying to get out of the mans grip.


The man brought her back up and she gasp for air, "Talk Ashlyn." Silence.

"Dunk her."

That continued for another hour, Harry sped up the video until Ashlyn was held underwater for almost forty fives seconds straight.

Charlie gripped her face, "Answer me you bitch!" She didn't answer.

The rest of the video was fast forwarded once again until she passed out and was being yanked out of the room.

The screen went blank it showed,

Day 5

Then the camera cut off.

I clenched my jaw and cursed at myself for letting all this happen to her, I laid my head in my hand and drifted off to sleep trying to think of ways to help Ashlyn get better.

A few hours later...

"Thomas?" Someone shook my shoulder roughly, I opened my eyes and saw that it was Harry.

I stretched my arms out, looking around, "What happened?"

"Mrs.Smith came early, she's in the kitchen."

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