PLATIONIC! Allister x Male! reader

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Your wearing that with a f/C shirt
Requested by @Audennetannanda
I'm known to be quite 'sharp tongued' as mother would put it but she also says I'm a mature,shy and quite kid so I only had a few friends growing up.I'm now eleven almost twelve and talk to Pokemon since I can understand their language but I do have one real friend, a shy quiet kid that's the same age but annoyingly taller by a few inches.

I'm walking through stow-on-side to head to a forest near the diglett shrine.I arrive at a parting in the forest and let out my Pokemon. They all make comments on how it's nice to get fresh air. I look into my bag and get a brush and tell absol to come over here to get his fur brushed.

I'm sitting on a rock brushing absols fur while my kirlia, alcreamie, cursola and lampent play about when I hear multiple voices that seem to be at the entrance of the forest. I'm scared because nobody but me, Allister and Pokemon know about this place but I get up and start cautiously walking towards the noise with my Pokemon in tow.

I get to the noise and hear a woman and mans voice then the sweet little voice of my mint cream alcremie calling out "Hey! Wait up. I have no legs remember!?" I just ignore her cries and look out from behind the tree I was hiding behind to see the  reporter and cameraman called Gillian and Cam bugging Allister with questions.

Im deciding what to do when Cursola say's with her echo-y voice "Allister looks pretty uncomfortable Y/N maybe you should confront them?" I nervously look down at her and sigh "f-fine" and walk out. "H-Hey cut it o-o-out" the reporters lift their heads and see you and Allister looks back "O-Oh Arceus u-uh your making him uncomfortable" "But this is going to be a great scoop!" The reporter Gillian shouts out. I am pissed I don't care if it will be a great scoop but it's making Allister uncomfortable. "Leave your making him uncomfortable. Now!" They had a bit of fear in their eyes due to your Pokemon because you could hear Absols growling from behind. "A-all right." And they back off. I let out a sigh of relief and look over to Allister "you ok Alli?" "Y-yeah t-thanks" and you two walk off into the forest.

Sorry if it's a bit bland or short I'm still getting used to writing Oneshots
Byeee 👋

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