Save Your tears

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I saw you dancing in a crowded room
You look so happy when I'm not with you
But then you saw me, caught you by surprise
A single teardrop falling from your eye🎵

Seriously this fucking song? Right now. You thought yourself as you quickly backed away from your ex-boyfriend.

The light above you flickered as you stood there, in shock.

"Fancy running into you, again." He smirked.

"I-I should go." You respond, using all of your strength to make your legs move.

"Now, wait just a minute. I just want to talk to you." Tooru grabbed onto your arm, preventing you from leaving.

Ever since he broke up with you, you wished to touch him again, to feel his touch on yours. Yet as he is grabbing onto you, at this moment, it makes you feel sick. You harshly push his grip off you. "What do you want, Tooru?" You spat.

"I haven't seen you for a while. Just wanted to see how you were, that's all." His way of speaking was always so cunning and flirtatious.

"Does it matter?" You had no interest in playing any of his games.

"Listen, about Rosie, I-"

"Let me stop you right there. I don't care. You and Rosie can run off into the sunset together. Just leave me alone." This was the first time you have ever talked to him so rudely. But you were so hurt by everything he has done.

"Just listen to me, Y/N. Me and Rosie, there's nothing there. Okay? I ran into her at this party. That is all." Whether you wanted to believe him or not, it was the truth he was saying.

The once fresh air that surrounded you turned thick. There was none else out here, just the music playing in the distance and you and Tooru, alone in the dark. But the problem with the darkly lit night was you were unable to see another figure leaning against the wall.

Kuroo came out to the darkest part of the building to trade his metal stick for a regular cigarette. He didn't mean to run into yet another train wreck in front of him. He knows he shouldn't be eavesdropping, yet he can't walk away. He inhaled his nicotine stick quietly as he listened.

"I wanted to apologize for how she spoke to you. I even tried looking for you, but you seemed busy, with your tongue down another man's mouth." Tooru is without a doubt the most confident person you have ever met. Never in the entirety of your relationship has he ever once been jealous. Even if another man openly flirted with you in front of him, it would amuse him. You thought he was incapable of that emotion. There is no way that he can be jealous. No possible way.

Oikawa didn't understand either the way felt when he saw you dancing so close to another man. When he saw you collide with Kuroo's lips, there was a sharp pain in his chest. Why does my chest burn? I didn't even drink anything. Why do I feel dizzy? He thought.

"So what, Y/N? That guy is your boyfriend now?" He just needed to know. He needed to know your answer, just out of curiosity.

"No. Just met him tonight." You responded. Lying was something you didn't like doing, even if it wasn't any of his business.

Somehow when you said no, it made him feel relieved for some reason. "So you're kissing strangers now?" Tooru let out an amused chuckle, "Now, sweetheart, why would you kiss a random nobody when I'm standing right here? Hmm?" He grinned at you, softly running his tongue across his button lip. His eyes were lustful and heavy as he walked closer to you. He stood close enough that he could feel your chest rising as you breathe.

No words escape your lips as he reached up to push your hair back from your face and then moving your chin upwards to meet his eyes.

That was enough for Kuroo to see. Oikawa had you in his clutches. You weren't going to escape. With his heavy heart, he flicked the burning cigarette to the ground and walked back inside.

"Y/N," Tooru whispered. "You look fucking incredible tonight, darling. That short skirt you have on, damn." He cupped the back of your neck, bringing you closer to him, moving his face close to your ear. "Makes me want to do inappropriate things to you."

What is happening? Why is he doing this?

"Tooru, I-I need to go. I need to find my friends." You respond.

"Oh, come on, what's the rush? Want to go home now? I'll take you. I'll take good care of you. Hmm? Would you like that?" He continued to whisper to you, now wrapping his arm around your body.

The spring night breeze was cold on your skin, causing you to shiver, or was it his touch that gave you goosebumps?

"You're shivering. Come here. I'll keep you warm." He said, pushing you closer to his body.

With your body cradled in his chest, you can feel his heart beating. Unlike yours, his heart was beating slowly. You focused on it for a while, hoping to match his.

This moment, him holding you. You wished for it for so long. You wanted to feel the warmth of his body. You wanted him to hug you just like he did all those times before. The rising of his chest on your ear always felt like home. The way he would softly caress your hair as you held on to his waist. You never wanted to let go.

You knew what things would lead to if you agreed to take you home. But was that such a bad thing? Your body ached for his touch, and here he is holding you, offering you to take you home. Sleeping with an ex, people do it all the time. Kiyoko would understand. No one would blame you for it.

Tooru was the only man you have ever slept with, the only person you trusted with your body and soul. He knew how to make you feel good, where to kiss you in all the right places. He always made sure to take care of you, caressing you, taking your body over the edge with his touch. After making love to you, you knew he would stay with you, holding you in his arms the entire night, running his fingers through your hair as you fell asleep.

But when the morning comes, you also knew he would be gone, and you would be cold and alone. Because he wasn't your boyfriend anymore, and the pain of that would return.


"I'm here now, Y/N."

Here now? Here now? Where the fuck was he when you begged and pleaded for him to stay? He left you, threw you away because he didn't need you anymore. And he is here, NOW?

Why? After all these weeks, he never bothered reaching out to you, checking if you were okay, even though he said you would still be friends, even though he was the cause of all the pain. He didn't give a shit until now.

He doesn't want to be with you. He made that very clear. Then why is he saying sweet things to you, holding you the way he knows you like? Was it because of Kuroo? He wanted to prove a point to everyone that he can have you whenever he wanted? Because you were his property?

You wrinkle his t-shirt as you grip it, just as you did that day he left, just as Rosie was doing earlier tonight. You take a inhale of his scent one last time, which always calmed you down. Except, the center of his chest didn't smell like his usual scent. It was sweet, like strawberries, like another woman's scent.

It was the thought of another woman wrapped around his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Thinking how he caressed another women's hair as he places soft kisses on the tops of her head, that made you come to your senses.

With all of your strength, you push him off you. Your body begins to shake as you release from the warm embrace.

"I have to go, Tooru. Sorry." His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you walked as far away as you can from him.

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