Only Love Can Hurt Like This

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"Are you going to tell me where you are taking me?" Kiyoko nervously asks. Funny, she was the one driving herself to the surprise. Still, she didn't know where she was going. All you said was head into the city.

Working at both the restaurant and the store, plus going to school, was keeping your mind busy. The only time your heart would start to panic was when you walked into Miya's. You haven't run into Testurou yet, but it was bound to happen.

I wonder if he knows I work here now?

You asked Osamu if you could bring Kiyoko to eat. You haven't told her you to work here yet. Inviting her to dinner was the perfect time to explain everything to her.

"Pull into the right, at the valet," you said, pointing to the familiar golden lettering.

"Y/N?" That is all she says as she tries to focus on the cars in front of her. You can see the shock in her eyes as she pulls in closer.

"Surprise!" You say, as her confusion turns into a smile.

The two of you sit in the regular restaurant area on the first floor, passing by all your coworkers, greeting them as you walk to your seat.

"Okay, y/n. Spill." She says as the two of you are waiting for your food.

You told her about the time Tetsurou brought you here. It was him introducing you to Alisa that lead you to this path you are on now.

"Thank you, Kiyoko. For always being there for me," Because this all started because of Kiyoko. The butterfly effect from her dragging you to that college party all those months ago.

"So I think I'm going to ask him, ask Ryu." She says as the two of you enjoying your meal.

"Ask him what Ki?"

"Ask him to marry me." She says, which makes you coke on your food as your eyes start to water with excitement.

"REALLY? THAT'S SO GREAT! I'm so happy for you. Where are you going to ask? When? I need all the info!" You grab into her hand as you see her eyes also starting to water.

"Yeah, I know he will probably ask me eventually. But I don't want to wait anymore. He's the love of my life" she smiles. Something about their relationship, you always knew they would end up married.

"We should go to that jewelry store since we are in the city." She tells you as the two of you are walking out of Miya's.

At the same time, entering through the backdoor, Tetsurou comes into Miya's, barely missing you. If he would have come just a few minutes earlier, or if the two of you would have waited just a tad longer, you would have seen each other. Yet, it was like all the time's fate brought you together, was pulling you apart.

"Look who finally decided to come to work," Atsumu says when he sees Tetsurou walk into his office.

Tetsurou doesn't reply, solely rolling his eyes.

He has locked himself in his room for the past few weeks, refusing to be seen by anyone. Not even his roommates. Even though they were persistent, the only one he talked to out of the three was Akaashi. "Why did you tell her to leave?" He asked him, to which he did not get a response. It was frustrating to Akaashi because he saw the obvious. But Tetsurou was stubborn, even more now with his broken heart.

Tetsurou continues to ignore the question, not even greeting either of the twins, just walking towards the desk to drop off what he needed to.

"You know, if you showed up sooner, you would have seen her." Atsumu didn't have to say your name for Tetsurou to know he was talking about you. Alisa told him you worked in the kitchen. She did it for him to see you, for him to know you were in the same building he was. But it backfired. He would avoid the kitchen area, go straight to Atsumu's office.

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