Make It Right

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It surprised you how detailed his grocery shopping was, a lot of high protein, low carb meals.

But even still, you enjoyed hanging out with him. Being out in public, holding his hand as you walked through the aisles.

After dropping off the food at his house, the two of you made your way to the mall. Even though you insisted that you didn't need any clothes, he was persistent. Telling you at least to buy some undergarments so you wouldn't have to rewash yours every time sexy stuff happened.

"And get something nice too y/n. So we can have a nice lunch together tomorrow." He says as the two of you are walking through the women's section of the department store.

You were tired of walking endlessly through clothes. You would much rather be at home cuddling with him, but you carried on, finding a cute denim dress to wear for your lunch date with him tomorrow.

"This is a very nice dress." The cashier says. "Did your boyfriend help you chose it?" The woman whispers as Tetsurou was a distance away, looking at all the knick-knacks on the check-out aisle.

"Oh, he's not my boyfriend." You respond without thinking. The statement was true Tetsurou wasn't your boyfriend. Yet when you said those words, you almost winced.

He could be if you asked him.

But for some reason, it was like something was keeping you from taking the next step. You couldn't even lie to the stranger in front of you. Making sure she knew you weren't in a relationship with him.



It was the next day, the two of you were having a nice lunch at a fancy restaurant. The ominous sensation you were feeling was fading away. You blamed it on the fact that you were sleeping over at someone else's house. Kind of like when you stay at a hotel, nothing feels comfortable than your bed.

"Do you have your phone y/n?" He asks you as the two of you are making your way out of the restaurant. Ever since you forgot it at his house yesterday, he made sure to ask you because you seem to be leaving it at random places. Even in the fitting rooms at the mall, you left it behind. Luckily the nice cashier woman found you before you left the store.

You feel around your pockets, empty. You look up at Tetsurou with a sad expression. He chuckled at you, not seeming bothered that he had to go back to find it.

Outside you waited for him, enjoying the warmth as the sun heating your skin, listening to the soothing music in the outside speaker.

"Y/N? is that you?" the voice startles you, making you look around towards the direction of your name.

"Hajime!? What the hell are you doing here!" You run in his direction. Hugging your friend, whom you haven't seen in months now.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? Did you forget last year? Oikawa made me promise to come back for his birthday weekend. Now, where is that asshole? He was sleeping when I came home last night and left before I woke up this morning. I just finished a meeting with a potential client, but now I am ready for the shenanigans." Iwaizumi states as he looks around, trying to spot his old friend.

Thinking back, when you were listening to the radio, the news said it, July 20th. But for some reason, it was just jumbled numbers to you. But you understand now, that feeling. The feeling like you forgot something.

Yesterday was Tooru's Birthday.

"Um, he's not here, Haji? He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what? Don't tell me he is hiding from me. I promise I won't hit him as hard this year." He responds, still searching for Tooru in the crowd of people.

"Hajime, listen to me. Me and Tooru, we um, well, he b-broke up with me..." You harshly swallow the words you tell him.

"What that fuck? is that some sick joke? If so, it's not funny y/n."

You couldn't even look him in the eyes as you nodded no.

No, it was not a joke.

"What the fuck. This doesn't make any sense. What the fuck happened?!" He sounded angry, but it was just the fact he was confused, hearing this information for the first time.

"I don't know, Iwaizumi. Ask him. Everything was perfect, up until he came to my house one day, telling me he didn't want to be with me anymore. So I don't know."

Iwaizumi continuously shook his head "no." not believing the words you were saying. He paces back in fourth, rubbing his temple, trying to understand.

"Listen to me, Y/N. IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE. Why would he do that? And why wouldn't he tell me about it? That doesn't make any sense."

You weren't sure why, to be honest, you figured he did tell him. Iwaizumi was his best friend, after all.

"Y/N." He says, gripping your shoulders to make you focus on his words that he was saying. "Listen to what I am saying. Oikawa LOVES YOU. Do you understand? And I am not talking about some basic school crush shit. He fucking loves you. Like, I never knew he could love anyone more than he loves himself. But I was wrong because he loves you. Let me just—let me talk to him, okay? You know how he gets when shit gets too stressful for him."

You were there for me through all the times I cried
I was there for you and then I lost my mind

There is a lump on your throat as he says those words to you. Making it harder to swallow the sadness you are feeling.

"Hajime. It's too late. He broke up with me almost four months ago..."

"W-what? No. Think about it. Never once did he mention this to me. Keeping something that important from your best friend can only mean he didn't mean it. You know that he lets shit get into his head. He over-thinks things to the point it makes him sick. Y/N, please. The love you two have for each other...You can't give up on him. He loves you—" His speech was interrupted by the motion of someone wrapping their arm around your waist.

"—oh." Iwaizumi stops his sentence as he notices Tetsurou's hand on you.

"I found your phone, baby," Tetsurou responds, not looking at you. But at the other intimidating dark-haired person standing in front of him.

"Tetsu, this is—"

"I know who he is, Y/N," Is all he says. The air was thick as they stared down at each other. Neither of them backing down from their piercing gaze.

"O-okay...well we should was nice seeing you, Iwa." You nervously say, trying to leave this awkward situation as fast as possible.

"REMEMBER WHAT I SAID, Y/N." Iwaizumi yells as the two of you are walking away from him. Making your heart sink even lower into your stomach.

Tetsurou didn't hear the conversation the two of you had, only the last part Iwaizumi yelled out. Even still, Tetsurou clenches his jaw tightly, trying to control the lump on his throat he was feeling.

This morning, as he kissed you good morning, cuddled in his chest, you told him. "We dont have to anywhere. I would rather stay right here, with you." But he insisted.

If only he would have listened to you. If only he would have held you tighter.

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