The One That Got Away

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Shaking as you cried in the car, you dial Kiyoko's number. You needed to calm down before you drove home.

"What's the wrong Y/N?" She says as she hears you crying through the phone.

"I was too late. I realized everything too late." Your head rested on the steering wheel, tears falling onto your lap.

"Tell me what happened."

"I saw him, Tetsurou, looked him straight in the eyes, and it was like he didn't even recognize me." You told Kiyoko about the two handsy women next to him, about how they had their hands all over his body. It made you feel sick, them touching him like that.

"Listen to me, Y/N. While I know it hurts, you said he was sitting there, right? How do you know he even was paying attention to them? He is hurting like you are. Like you were when you slept with Tooru..." That painful reminder that this all started because of you. Because you couldn't figure out your feelings sooner.

"So, just talk to him, okay? The two of you need to talk to each other, sort out your feelings."

After crying yourself to sleep the night before, you woke up with the urge to see him. To speak to him, tell him how you felt. Kiyoko talked to you the entire drive home, making sure to calm you down as your drove. You chose to believe her. Tetsurou was not the type of person to be spiteful on purpose. But that wasn't what made you so sad. It was the thought that he forgot about you already. He never told you his true feelings for you, so maybe he didn't love you as you loved him.

The walk from the car to the front door was endless, stopping multiple times, turning around, thinking about driving off. Your body shook with nerves as you waited for the door to open.

The time Alisa drove you here, that premonition you had, the doubts in your head. It was all coming true at this moment when you see who opened the door.

A woman with a man's shirt, draping her pantless body, opened the door. Her hair was messy, like she just got out of bed, rushed to open the door. With a smile on her face, she answered the door, looking directly at you as your heart sank.

Your mouth stayed open, unable to form any words.

"Babe, someone is at the door." She screams inside. She looked kind, beautiful, and perfect.

"Oh, n-never mind. I'm sorry." You said, running back into the car, holding you're breath, waiting until you were far enough away before you let the tears roll down your eyes.

In another life
I would be your girl
We'd keep all our promises
Be us against the world🎵

"Who's at the door, babe?" The man says, coming up behind the pantless woman, hugging her from behind.

"I don't know, looked cute, though. Maybe she was here to sell you something." She giggles as he kisses her cheek.

As the two of them are having a cute embrace at the front door, a yellow cab stops in front of the house, dropping off a hungover Tetsurou.


"SHHH, Bokuto, not so loud." Tetsurou says, slowly walking past the two love birds. "Put some clothes on, both of you. No one wants to see all that." He mumbled, making his way back up to his room.

In his intoxicated state, Tetsurou ended up taking a cab to Miya's to sleep there. The drive was much shorter than driving back to his house.

Even as drunk as he was, he still, maybe not so politely, refused the two women. Even though they were persistent, he said no. Specifically, he said, "GET THE FUCK OFF ME," and stumbled into a cab.

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