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Harry was proud of himself. He had changed the lyrics to show that without a doubt, he was definitely talking about Louis. There was no running from the fact that Louis now knew his inner most thoughts.

Harry was still in love.

He figured that Louis still loved him because of what he said and the song that he sang but he wasn't sure if Louis was still in love. Because believe it or not, there is a difference.

At this point he honestly didn't care about the awards anymore. He didn't have any expectation of winning the awards. All he wanted to do was find Louis and speak to him, but he couldn't. He had to wait.

Finally, they had gotten to Best International Album. Mitch had elbowed Harry to make sure that he was paying attention just in case. BeBe had walked onto the stage and everyone started clapping. Harry took this as a sign that she was going to be presenting the award. After the nominees were listed, she slowly peeled open the envelope and said cheerfully into the microphone,

"Harry Styles for Fine Line!!"

The fans and the surrounding tables burst into applause as the cameras followed Harry up to the stage. He smiled graciously, hugged BeBe, took the award, and situated himself in front of the mic for the second time that night. He stood silent for a moment because he hadn't prepared anything, then he said slowly,

"Every song has an inspiration. Whether it be an idea, a concept," he paused for a moment and inhaled before saying, "...a person."

"Each new word conveys an emotion from deep within. This is exactly what I did on this album. I truly did not expect to receive this award. I did not create these songs for the purpose of winning an award. I just sat down and I wrote about love, and loss, and grief, and the beginnings of acceptance. There is someone out there who cared enough to give me these experiences which have allowed me to create music that has put me up on this stage right now, and for that," he looked at Louis, "I am incredibly grateful. Thank you."

Everyone began clapping politely again except for the fans who were screaming hysterically, evidently very pleased that Harry had won. When he returned to his table his first thought was to leave as soon as possible but then he remembered that Louis' award hadn't been announced yet either. He wanted to stay for that. He had only heard one song now, but he was sure that none of the other nominations came anywhere near Louis.

As it turns out, the very next award was Best Debut Album...'How fitting', Harry thought. Some random music producer that Harry did not recognize was onstage listing the nominees and Harry smiled softly and glanced over to Louis when the announcer said his name. Louis was already looking at Harry and they made eye contact again briefly before the announcer had finished. Then he opened the envelope and said into the room,

"And the Brit Award for Best Debut Album goes to...LOUIS TOMLINSON WALLS!"

At this announcement, Harry was sure that the fans were going to faint from oxygen deprivation pretty soon, they were screaming so loud. Louis smiled and got up with Liam. They hugged tightly for a few seconds and before Louis walked away Harry noticed that Liam placed a reassuring kiss on the side of Louis' head as if to tell him that he was proud, but also to say not to worry and that it would be okay. Harry's eyes followed him as Louis made his way up to the stage to accept his first solo Brit Award.

He accepted the award politely and turned to the mic.

"I'm not going to pretend like I'm good at giving speeches because we all know I'm kind of lacking in that department..." he said cheekily.

Everyone laughed at this, and Harry smiled adoringly.

Louis continued, "When I sit down to write, I just write whatever comes to my head first, and that's probably why I always end up writing about the same person because they are always on my mind. I spent the longest time trying to push past it, but this has helped me to realize that there is nothing wrong with staying put in a time in your life that brought you happiness, so thank you."

As Louis returned to his table, Harry's eyes followed him with a sense of being incredibly proud. They had not had a true conversation in 6 years but Harry still cared for him more than anyone in the world and was so proud of him that he thought his heart might explode with joy.

But then reality set back in. Louis was no longer his. He wanted him to be, but he wasn't. He hadn't been for years...

Harry needed answers.

the reads on this really aren't doing well but i am going to keep writing because i really like the story so far!🥰

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