Chapter 1

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3rd person POV

In the world there is an MMO called Grand Scale a game where people go on quests and fight monsters, you can also play as one of the 16 races in the game. In this game there are two players known as the Demons of poison, one of them being the top ranking player of the Demon race even though in the game the Demon race is the weakest, she is known as (G/N) but she is also called the Queen of Domination and power, she found out a hidden secret about the Demon race if they focus one certain magics like poison or shadow magic they can be unstoppable and it became to a point that no one can beat her. The second one is called Jack the Ripper but she's also called the Queen 's guard dog she is a natural assassin no one ever sees her coming until it's too late. Together they are unstoppable and there's only one thing that's makes them extremely angry and that's others attacking the Demon race because it's the weakest race people Often bully other players who choosed to be part of the Demon race, with there flying fortress they brought every player to there knees but as the old saying goes everything must come to and end.


I just finished walking threw my garden in Grand Scale and said out loud "I'm going to miss it" I felt someone hug my back and said "don't worry (Y/N) we'll find a new game" the person who hugged me is my best friend slash roommate Jack, for as long as I can remember it's always Bing me and Jack. I'm independently wealthy so I don't need to work all my life but I love a modest life me and Jack live in a apartment and we are doing well for high schoolers. Anyway we are walking to the throne room of my garden and your probably wondering why I keep saying garden and that's because I Based my fortress and character after my most favorite character in FGO Semeromulus also known as the great posioner. I love being her mainly because I kinda feel like her in some ways, anyway as me and Jack entered the throne room I then said "I can't believe that this is the last time we will be able to see it" I sighed and Jack agreed but we'll find another game but sometimes I wish that we where born in another world like in one of those Isakie animes but that will never come true. As the time for the game to shut down I have all my NPC's in the throne room, I also based them after FGO servants as well as a few from RWBY that I love so much Neo and Penny and your wondering why I stop at two well that's because I sighed up late for the event the only things I got was Neo, Penny, and two of the four Artifacts so I'm not complaining, I look at the clock and saw its almost time so I said "want to do it one more time?" Jack smiled and said " of course my queen " she tried to grope me but I smacked her head and we went back to our screens and did the one thing that makes me so proud I then said "Glory to the Queen!" Blue flames Erupted in the throne room and everyone cheered and as the clock hit midnight everything went white.
I started to wake up assuming I crashed at the computer again but when I opened my eyes I didn't see my apartment no I saw a forest. I looked around and I'm definitely in a forest I was going to pinch my self but something poked me I looked and it's a good cone but my hand it's not mine. I looked at the rest of my body and I'm wearing different cloths I'm wasting a black dress and my hair changed to a pich black, I noticed a river so I went to it and saw my reflection and I look exactly like my avatar and I the said out loud "I can't believe it I'm in the body of Semeromuls, I heard a sound and I'm happy that I'm not the only one. Jack was here with me and she is in her avatar too, I ran to her and said "Jack, Jack, are you ok?" She opened her eyes and said "(Y/N)?, Am I dreaming?" I shook my head no and she shot up and spotted the river and looked at her reflection and said "I can't believe it I look just like Jack the Ripper" if your wondering Jack is a huge Jack the Ripper fan and when I showed her Jack from FGO she fell in love with it and Design her game avatar after her and to be honest it's cute she was always short even for a teenage girl so only one thing changed in my opinion. After she calmed down we started to talk and I said "Ok, it looks like we where Isakied and if we are Hallucinating then we might be in a coma" Jack smiled and said "I don't think we are Hallucinating and we have Bing Isakied" I gave her a slide smile and we Boulth said at the same time " OUR WISHES HAVE COME TRUE! " to say we are happy is an understatement I then calmed down and said "ok we need to focus" Jack nodded and I was going to say something but I was intrupted by a girl falling to the ground.

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