Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s POV (continues after chapter 2, just this part the rest is episode 2)

I opened the door to me and Jack's room and in the same day I gain a girlfriend, killed two people, and announced I'm a demon Queen from another world. I also kept thinking about the killing part and I guess some of Semi Romulus's personality merged with mine because I really don't care if I killed someone but only if it's just, weird I know I guess this is how Ainz felt in OverLord, I looked to the table in my room and Weiss and Jack where talking, they noticed me and Weiss said "(Y/N) what took you so long?" I replied " oh the usual " Jack then got in my face and started to sniff me like a dog and she gave me the yander eyes and she asked "who?" . I looked away and said "I don't know what your talking about" Weiss then asked me"what is she doing? " I replied "I call this Jack's Yander side" Weiss was still confused and Jack grabbed my cheeks and made me face her and she said "I smell another woman, who is she?" It's really creepy how Jack acts like this and I couldn't say no because this is the only thing about Jack that scares me. I then said "I forgot to mention me and Anos walked Misha home and she sorta kiss me" Jack let go of my face and she and she had a dreadful face.

 I then said "I forgot to mention me and Anos walked Misha home and she sorta kiss me" Jack let go of my face and she and she had a dreadful face

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I went behind Weiss and Jack slowly turned around and took out a knife and had a creepy yander smile

Jack then said "she's going to die" I used my chains t grab her and Weiss then asked "I'm assuming that's what yander means" I replied "yes" I then took out a needle with a knockout poison on her neck and she was sound asleep, Weiss looked at me a...

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Jack then said "she's going to die" I used my chains t grab her and Weiss then asked "I'm assuming that's what yander means" I replied "yes" I then took out a needle with a knockout poison on her neck and she was sound asleep, Weiss looked at me and I said "it's a sleeping drug I keep it on hand for situations like this" Weiss nodded and she asked "so you are seeing someone?" I nodded and I said "ya, I couldn't say no" she then got up and said"well I'll be heading to bed" I waved good night and went to bed.

Next day

It was the next day and I put my school uniform on and I look great in it, I look at Jack and she looked Adorable in that white uniform but I really wonder why is hers white and mine red? Anyway I then asked Jack "HEY Jack, why did you kill that guy yesterday?" She thought about it and she replied "I really didn't feel anything, I guess mine and Jack's personality are fused, and plus that guy was a dick" I sighed and replied "ya, I think the same thing happend to me but we can't kill willy nilly, you know" Jack then said "I know that" . I sighed and said "I know but at least your not calling me mommy" Jack gave me a Seductive look and said "I rather call you daddy" I chopped her head and said "we best not let Weiss wait" I walked at a fast past and in the distance I heard Jack wined "WHY!?!?!?" , I saw Weiss at the front door and she was in the red uniform and I said "good morning Weiss" Weiss noticed me and said "good morning (Y/N), that uniform suits you" I nodded and said "well I always look good in dark colors" I then asked "so why is Jack's White?" Weiss then replied "oh, the white uniforms is for hybrids but I had my sister pull some strings but we were only allowed yours" I nodded and said "well this will be interesting" . Jack Catch up to us and we walked to school together, it was a pleasant walk to school and once we went into the school I heard whispers about us and one stick out the most "why is that Hybrid wearing a royalists uniform" and this one " she shouldn't wear it" I just gave off a smug look enjoying this because this is a screw you guys right now.
We entered our classroom and I then said to the howl class "Rejoice because I the demon Queen from another world is here and I will kill all who Opposes me!" Jack laughed at that and she said "that's so corny of you". Weiss then said" you had to make scene did you " I replied "it was a funny joke" she sighed and replied "it was not" I roled my eyes and we all sat in the back row. Misha came in and I waved at her and she noticed, she sat next to me and kissed my cheek and to say that I can feel Jack Starr daggers at me was an understatement she was death glaring at me but mainly at Misha, Misha then said "good morning" I replied " good morning " then Anos walked in and he said "Good morning everyone, I trust your all well, starting today I'll be taking charge of this class and I'll Massacre anyone who defise me!" No one laughed well except me, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I then heard Anos said "huh" he then went up to us. He then asked Misha " hey, may I sit here? " she nodded and he sat next to her and he asked "what do you all think of my joke?" Misha tilted her head to the side and said " your joke" Jack sighed and said to her self "not another one" and Misha said " I think only (Y/N) got it" I replied "it was Hilarious" Anos smiled and said " thanks" Weiss then pointed out "is literly everyone staring at you guys right now" I looked around and they are and Misha answered "because of the rumours" Anos asked " you mean about those brothers? " I added "and the three members of the Winchester family I killed?" Misha shook her head and said " it's about that symbol, it shows the magic power and Attitude test, the more Polygons you have the higher you scored, no one ever had that symbol in demon king academy " I then asked "so what does it mean?" Misha replied " Misfit" Anos then asked "is that really worth the gossip?" and Misha replied " only the demon king Descendant can attend to this academy and you two are the only ones unfit for being a demon lord" I smiled and said "well that just makes this better" Anos smiled and asked "why is that?" I replied " you'll see " Weiss then said "and she has some idiot plan" I replied "hey my plans arnt stupid" her and Jack replied at the same time "yes they are" I was then sulking on Misha's sholder and she kept patting my head.
Jack didn't like this at all and she grabbed my arm and pulled me twords her and she said "(Y/N) is mine!" Misha grabbed my other arm and put it inbetween her breasts. She then said something that shocked me "I don't mind sharing" Jack was taken back by that and I didn't know what to say, Jack then said "Don't lie!" Misha replied " I'm not lieing" they then both stare at each other for a few minutes and Jack said "ok" I then said "ok what?" Jack my bestfreind slash yander slash loli mega Yuri who is in love with me agrees into sharing me with another girl. I'm completely lost right now and I have no clue on what to say right now, I looked to Weiss for help but she just looked away with a faint blush and I turned to Anos and he had an amused face and I looked down and in saw both of them looked up at me with puppy dog eyes and I couldn't resist, I sighed and I rubbed there heads and I asked "I can't say no can't i?" Misha replied " no" Jack added "I said that the day we met" I sighed knowing she was right, now I know what a guy feels in this. Anos then said "it seems we got off topic" Weiss then said "yes I agree" the both of them let go of me and we got back on topic. Anos then asked me "did you make any Mistakes in the attitude test" I replied "well no, thanks to Weiss's study sessions I was able to get 99%" then I realized something and Anos knows what I'm thinking and he asked Misha "do you know the demon kings name?" She nodded and said "but we are not supposed to say it" I nodded and said "apparently it's a rule" he then put his hands near our heads and said "you can just think of it" we did and we both said "the demon king of Tyranny Avos Delhevia" Anos is probably wondering who that is I mean everyone in the demon race knows his name so somewhere someone erased Anos from history.
Anos then asked "what do people say the demon king of Tyranny is like?" Misha then said " he was both ruthless and benevolent " and Weiss finished "it also said he fights without thinking of his Safety and he fought for his people" I snorted at that and Anos said " that is too good to be true, I expected you know this (Y/N) " I nodded and said "ya, a king like that only exists in fairy tails, thow I did rule with an both a kind hand and an iron fist" Misha then said " the more your Ideals match the demon kings the greater the attitude as a demon lord, the closest match is-" she stops after a girl in twin tails walks last us and I can tell she was looking at me specificity. The bell rings and the teacher comes in and she said "I'm homeroom teacher for class two, Amelia Ludowell, first I'm dividing you into teams please introduced yourselves if you wish to be team leader, remember you must be able to weild this magic to Qualify, this true magic Gisa to add more for all party members to activate Gisa each of the seven of you will be devided into seven classes, like king, guardian, and so on, the spell caster becomes king and since they must Supply there Subordinates with magic power there weaker alone, one week from today I'll have you use Gisa in a class wide Competition leader Candidates raise your hands". A magic Circle appears on the bord I used my eyes and it has a flaw and a lot of people raised there hands even Anos but I didn't and Weiss asked "your not going to be a leader" I shook my head no and said "no but if Anos is making a team I don't mind being on it" he smirked and the teacher said "your name is Anos yes, allow me to explain myself students of mix blood aren't Eligible for white uniforms" I smirked knowing Anos is going to school he said "how about me and (Y/N) here Approve that mix blood is Superior to demon Royalty, and seal it with a zect" I stand up and said " I agree this is going to be fun" Ms. Ludowell then said "if you fail you must apologize for your disrespect and drop out of this school" I shrugged my shoulders and said "ya ya, what else is new" a few people laughed at that and we walked to the front of the class and we made the Zect and it's like a magical contract. I then said with a smug grin "I already know the flaw and I'm Shure Anos dose" he nodded and the teacher said "Ridiculous there's hasn't Bing a flaw in 2,000 years" I replied "well there's two but Anos can take the first one" he nodded and he added a small amount of wrighting in the center circle and it shined brighter and the teacher was in a state of disbelief and it's stronger to nice Anos really nice.
It is now my turn and I'm ready for this, Ms. Ludowell then said "your that Hybrid from another world I've heard about, why are you wearing a red uniform?" I replied " it's more my style " I then gave a grin and said "how about we sweeten the bot" Ms.Ludowell arched her brow and said "I'm listening" I replied " if you win you can personally throw me out of here" she smiled at that and I continued "and if I win I get to kiss you whatever way I want" she Immediately blushed at that but I know she can't refuse . He then said "alright I expect" I nodded and went to the bord and I said "if you are these sigels on each end like so" I added some rune magecraft in there to make the process of power to flow better and it shined even brighter and she was left dumbstruck. I then said "now my reward" she replied " f-fine, I can't believe I'm stuping so low" I grabbed the back of her head and gave her a French kiss, her face is full of shock and I love it.

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