On the edge

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basing this one on can you feel my heart by bring me the horizon.

I put the yt video for it so you can listen if you've never heard it before.


I was fighting my worst enemy. Five hargreeves.

I was throwing punches and kicks at him, he managed to dodge some but not all.

He pinned me down to the floor.

"I win." He states. "No you haven't won." I use my special ability to fling him off of me.

He almost falls off of the roof we are on.

It's good 100ft drop, so there is no chance of survival.

He gets up quickly and stares me down.

My eyes are glowing red and so is my hair.

"You always forget that I'm more powerful than you." I laugh.

"Well, one spatial jump and I can throw you off this building." He smiles sarcastically.

"Try me." I start to lift him in to the air with my powers.

He spatial jumps, from midair, in front of me.

He punches my stomach and I yelp in pain.

This really angered me so with my powers I make his skin burn.

He yells in agony as I grin psychotically.

I stop the burning. I walk to the edge of the building.

I stop my hair and eyes from glowing red.

I stop right at the edge and look back at five.

He looks at me in slight shock.

I smirk. "It was nice knowing you hargreeves. But if I can't kill you, the handler will."

He frowns. "The handler?"

"Yeah, she wanted me to kill you. But I don't think I can. We are too powerful for each other." I shrug.

"One way or another the handler would have killed us both." I add.

"So you're sacrificing yourself?"

"Yeah, I guess. Think of it as a peace offering." I chuckle.

He tilts his head still slightly confused.

I smile softly for one second and then put my arms out.

I slowly start to fall backwards. I close my eyes.

I hear a familiar whooshing sound.

I open my eyes. Only to see five holding on tightly to my hand as I'm hanging off the building.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

He spatial jumps us to the center of the roof.

"I'm not gonna let you die. Think of it as a peace offering." He shrugs.

He spatial jumps to wherever.

I stand there in confusion for a moment.

I smirk.

"Smartass." I mutter walking down the steps of the building.

He spatial jumps infront of me. "You're never getting away from me y/n." He gives me a deep, devilish smirk.

He spatial jumps away. I chuckle. "We'll see."


Hope y'all enjoyed this one. I thought this idea was pretty cool so yuh.

Ly all <3

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