Nobody's perfect

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We were in training and me and Five had to go up against each other.

We hated each other with passion.

Although, I wish we didn't. We were just both so competitive.

Our father blow his whistle and Five spatial jumps behind me.

He kicks my shin and fall with a yelp.

I get up and turn around. He isn't there. I turn back around and Five kicks me in the stomach.

I fall back but then I run towards him before he has the chance to spatial jump and I kick him back in the stomach.

Our siblings watch cautiously. Five grunts and looks back up at me.

I begin to use my powers and grab the dodge balls from the racks. I group them in the air.

Five looks in terror. He is too tired to use his powers.

I soften my look slightly and drop some of the balls.

I fling the remainder at him.

He falls on the ground. Our father blows the whistle again.

"Very good, Number Five and Number Eight. You may finish up training."

I look at my siblings who seemed taken aback. I look at Five who is holding his stomach in pain.

We walk out of the room. "Why did you hesitate in there?" He looks at me.

"Because you were tired." I shrug.

"What's up with you today? You don't seem as hateful." He frowns.

"Maybe today is a non-hateful day."

I walk up the stairs and to my room.

I get into my casual uniform.

I jump out of my skin when I hear a knock. "Come in." I yell slightly.

My brother Diego walks in. "Oh hi Diego." I smile.

"You might wanna come downstairs." His face is serious.

"What happened?" I raise my eyebrows. "Just come down stairs." Diego urges.

I follow Diego out of the room and hear worried voices from downstairs.

We walk down and Diego leads me to the infirmary.

We walk in and Five is laying unconcious on the bed.

"Holy shit." I mutter. "What happened?" I look at Diego.

"What ever you did to him, it wasn't good. He started puking up blood right infront of us." Diego shakily says, clearly scared for his brother.

I look at Five then back at Diego. "I didn't-.. What?" I start to breath heavily.

"You okay y/n?" Diego holds on to my shoulder. "Yeah just, give me a minute."

Diego nods and leaves the room. I go and sit in the chair next to the bed.

Five's eyes slowly open. I think about leaving but I don't.

He looks at me. "What are you doing here?" He asks with a soft and croaky voice.

"Diego told me what happened. I'm not sure how but when I kicked you in the stomach some kind of force released. I'm sorry." I apologise quietly.

He smiles slightly. "Nobody's perfect."


If you don't get it. Basically, you started to not hate Five because you wanted normal sibling relationship with him. And when you kicked him it released a force that gave him your qualities, meaning he started to not hate you as well.

I hope that helped explain it :)

ly all <3

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